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You've been through hell, but you still look pretty.


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That's pretty much what I'm doing now, but up to 11. I call it AGECK (Anthony Grubowski's Enhanced Cosmetic Kit.) It'll have 4 layers (scar, base color, design, dirt/misc) and 9 facial sections (2 eyes, forehead, 2 cheeks, nose, 2 mouth, chin.) The layers and sections are addons to a wearable face paint, which'll be chosen in a menu when using the cosmetic kit.
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  • 2 months later...
There used to be a mod that did as you wanted. I used to have it before the corruption of my Hard Drive thanks to a messed up windows install file. It was just a replacer, there were scars and stuff but it didnt ruin the character, it Made them look like it belonged there. If I remember the name or If I find it at a backup somewhere. Ill put it up or message you the name.
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