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Bottles as Weapons


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Basically a mod to allow the use of various bottles as melee weapons. I have a load of alcohols and nuke-a-colas that I will never use, so I thought it would be an interesting use for the spare beverages.


Bottles would break after the first hit, causing damage and various effects, depending on the contents of the bottle. Nuke-a-cola could deal 5 damage for five seconds, some alcohols would stun, others might cause temporary frenzy, or limb damage, slow down, bad aim, etc. How long the side effects last would be dependent on the location of the hit when the bottle broke. naturally, breaking it on the legs might be more beneficial for slowing down the enemy, but it would not affect aim too much, and frenzy would wear off in a matter of seconds.


Once a bottle is initially used, it will break open, (causing the contents of the container to spill out on the opponent, inducing the aforementioned effects), becomign sharp and jagged. it will only be able to be used a few more times before becoming useless. The CND of the weapon would only be able to withstand maybe four hits (including the initial strike) before the bottle completely breaks, maybe more depending on the type of bottle. When the bottle is broken, it will deal significantly more damage and limb damage than its intact counterpart, but have no side effects.


A sneak attack with a bottle will knock the target unconscious, along with dealing the bonus damage. Side effects may or may not take effect when the target revives. A stealth attack with an intact bottle will decrease the CND of the weapon completely, thus you can only use the weapon once before it breaks and is completely useless. A stealth attack with a damaged bottle will not completely break it, but it will not render the opponent unconscious either.


Random thoughts on workbencthes:

- glass shards from destroyed bottles will be added to msc section of the inventory. Perhaps be able to craft a glass-shrapnel bomb. Or hey, Empty bottle + cherry bombs = explosive/shrapnel bottle. Fun!

- Alcohol + nuke-a-cola + radscorpion poison gland = effects similar to molerat repellant



Can't think of anything else really. Hope someone considers this idea and puts it into action.

Edited by devavres
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