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Survival features for all difficulties


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Seems to be possible. I'm currently working on changing the survival script or hooking to it.



There seems to be several possibles solutions:

1) Change the survival script to work on all difficulties - | Difficulty: Easy | Bugs potential: Medium+

A bit pointless because it enable all the features of survival difficulty, the only thing different is the damage multipliers...

2) Hook to the survival script on game start and ask the player wheter he wants to enable for current session - | Difficulty: Medium | Bugs potential: Medium

A bit pointless too, at least it would be possible to turn it on/off easily

3) Modify the survival script, letting players choose options by using a misc item in pipboy inventory - | Difficulty: Hard | Bugs potential: Low

So that you can choose which features of Survival mode you want enabled. That way it's less pointless (would be change carry weight OFF, fast travel ON, adrenaline/weakness/diseases OFF) for me ;)


Which one would you prefer? :wink: I'm going to predict 3) but it takes the longest to make.

Also if a modder replace the survival script there are going to be issues when you want to remove the mod...

Edited by Mystra007
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There very much so is. There's the oninit() that tests for what difficulty the player is using. Just always run StartupHardcore() instead of using an if and just don't run OnDifficultyChanged at all. Though I would play test that before just saying yes it works, there's a few places where the hc_manager is set to bail out and you wouldn't want to trip them by mistake.


I'm not sure your #3 is bug potential low, but I suck at programming so maybe it would? As far as turning different features or parts of survival mode on and off: There's multiple points where it checks against the HC_Rules, like HC_Rule_SleepEffects. I assume that if you mod the values you can disable various pieces. Though I would only try that on a "fresh" character, keep the values at what I set, and test it before really playing because some part of survival are inner-connected. As it is, all of survival goes off together, not piece one at a time. Also thirst and hunger share the same timer, so that might cause some issues. The function that handles your hunger when you eat also takes care of part of caffeine and disease risk. But the tired stuff also takes into account caffeine. Fast travel might be the safest to turn on and off all by itself.


But if you can get that all worked out, in theory you should be able to uninstall by just removing the mod then changing the difficulty to cause ShutdownHardcore() to run and fix/clean up everything.

Edited by demonofsarila
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