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Scripting Questions


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Hey everybody!

I'd need some help to answer some of my questions.

1. How can I add a time variable? Like time spent since entered cell?

2. Can I link two scripts? One is a quest script another is an activator/object script. I want to link one of their variables. Is it doable?

I had some more in mind, but forgot them, I'll edit this post if I remember.

Thanks in advance,



PS.: Also I'd need some help with this question: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/411959-strang-issue/



3: Is there an 'if' block, like gamedaypassed? Or something like the object'll reset after one day.

Something like:

if XY == 0
      set XY to 0
if gamedayspassed == 1
      set XY to 1


4: How can I make new guards in own city take you to their prison?

Edited by bencebence
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1. My first thought would to add a scripted static object to the cell. This script will create a simple timer, which will kick in whenever you enter the cell. This is a simple timer:


Float Timer

Begin GameMode

    Set Timer to ( Timer + GetSecondsPassed )



2. Yes, quest scripts are often linked. In fact, quests are often used as databases for this purpose.

Imagine the quest is called "MyQuest" and uses a variable called "MyVar"

To use a quest variable in another script, it is used like this:

Set MyQuest.Myvar to 1


Simple stuff.


3.Yes there is. There is a global - GameDaysPassed - which funnily enough tells you how many days have passed. It is used like this:

Short StartDay

Set StartDay to GameDaysPassed
;;;insert code here
If GameDaysPassed > StartDay
;;;more code


4. A "Jail" is defined by 2 markers - one in the cell and one outside the prison. When you are arrested you are taken to the closest cell marker. Set the markers in the right places and it should work out.

Edited by WarRatsG
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Hey everybody!

I'd need some help to answer some of my questions.

1. How can I add a time variable? Like time spent since entered cell?

2. Can I link two scripts? One is a quest script another is an activator/object script. I want to link one of their variables. Is it doable?

I had some more in mind, but forgot them, I'll edit this post if I remember.

Thanks in advance,



PS.: Also I'd need some help with this question: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/411959-strang-issue/



3: Is there an 'if' block, like gamedaypassed? Or something like the object'll reset after one day.

Something like:

if XY == 0
      set XY to 0
if gamedayspassed == 1
      set XY to 1


4: How can I make new guards in own city take you to their prison?


I see that this has already been answered, but I will also add a few extra points



If you want to know GAME time since entering a cell, have a script tied to an activator in the cell. The activator will only run its GameMode when in the cell, so you could do something like:


short daystart
float timestart

begin GameMode

 if ( daystart==0 && timestart==0)
   set daystart to GameDay
   set timestart to GetCurrentTime



Then simply use those variables on the activator to calculate the amount of game time in the cell whenever you want.


It can also be done with a quest script, testing if you are in a cell using GetInCell, but unless you speed up a quest script you can miss the first few seconds (if that is important)


3) An update to the other example above:


Short StartDay

begin GameMode

If GameDaysPassed > StartDay
 Set StartDay to GameDaysPassed
 ;;;reset code



The original code in GameMode would never fire as it always reset the StartDay, but in general, yeah.

*Note that this will also not fire the reset code if you enter the area on day 0, and so if that is a concern, you will need to add a doonce variable there too, but that is trivial.

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Thank you very much both of you. But I have a problem. For the first one, I don't want to calculate the time at the moment, I just want a script run after each gamehour spent in the cell.

1 If I enter the cell, it starts counting the time, and after each hour it changes a variable. For example illness. Every hour the illness chnages into a worse one and after X hours, if I didn't get medicine, it'll kill me.


2 This is the one I wanted to know. Thank you very much.


3. This is also something like the first one. I don't want to calculate the current day, but make an already made script reset after 24 gamehours. So for example: I have an activator which gives me X gold. You can use it only once per a day, then wait 24 hours to reset.


4. Also same goes here as the second one. Thank you :P


Anyways thank you very much again, I'm sure that I'll need these scripts too in the future.

Edited by bencebence
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Alright, for the first one I made this script:

scn RVDirty1

float timestart
short dirty

Begin GameMode
if ( timestart == 0)
	set timestart to GetCurrentTime
if (GetCurrentTime == timestart+1 && dirty == 0)
	set dirty to 1
if (GetCurrentTime == timestart+2 && dirty == 1)
	set dirty to 2
if (GetCurrentTime == timestart+3 && dirty == 2)
	set dirty to 3
	player.addspell DisDirt1
	messageBox "You're getting dirtier. You should leave the mine."
if (GetCurrentTime == timestart+4 && dirty == 3)
	set dirty to 4
if (GetCurrentTime == timestart+5 && dirty == 4)
	set dirty to 5
if (GetCurrentTime == timestart+1 && dirty == 5)
	set dirty to 6
	player.removespell DisDirt1
	player.addspell DisDirt2
	messageBox "You're really dirty now, people don't like you that much. You should go out and clean yourself"
if (GetCurrentTime == timestart+2 && dirty == 6)
	set dirty to 7
if (GetCurrentTime == timestart+3 && dirty == 7)
	set dirty to 8
if (GetCurrentTime == timestart+4 && dirty == 8)
	set dirty to 9

if dirty == 9
	player.removespell DisDirt2
	player.addspell DisDirty
	messageBox "You spent too much time in the dirty mine. Now you got a sickness which can be only cured by a medicine, bought at the general store."

I know that it's repeating itself, but this is good for me :P Apart from that, is it good?

Edited by bencebence
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You forgot to account for changing days. As in, if the player enters at 10pm, then your script would not work correctly at counting time. I prefer using quest scripts instead of activators, so this is what I would use:



scn questscript

float HourOld

short initialize
short counter
short DayOld

Begin GameMode

if (Player.GetInCell YourCell)
	if (initialize == 0)
		set initialize to 1
		set HourOld to GameHour
		set DayOld to GameDaysPassed
elseif (initialize == 1)
	set initialize to 0
	set counter to 0

if (initialize)
	if (HourOld + 1 <= GameHour)
		set counter to counter + 1
		set HourOld to GameHour
	elseif (DayOld < GameDaysPassed)
		if (HourOld - 23 <= GameHour)
			set counter to counter + 1
			set HourOld to GameHour
	if (counter == 3)
		Player.AddSpell DisDirt1
		MessageBox "You're getting dirtier. You should leave the mine."
	elseif (counter == 6)
		Player.RemoveSpell DisDirt1
		Player.AddSpell DisDirt2
		MessageBox "You're really dirty now, people don't like you that much. You should go out and clean yourself"
	elseif (counter == 9)
		Player.RemoveSpell DisDirt2
		Player.AddSpell DisDirty
		MessageBox "You spent too much time in the dirty mine. Now you got a sickness which can be only cured by a medicine, bought at the general store."




For an activator that only lets you activate it once every 24 hours, I would use this:



scn activatorscript

float HourOld
short DayOld
short initialize

Begin OnActivate

set HourOld to GameHour
set DayOld to GameDaysPassed
set initialize to 1


Begin GameMode

if (initialize == 1)
	SetDestroyed 1
	set initialize to 2
elseif (initialize == 2)
	if (DayOld + 1 <= GameDaysPassed)
		if (HourOld <= GameHour)
			set initialize to 0
			SetDestroyed 0




To have longer dialogue topics, you need to edit the iExtendedTopicLength and bAllowExtendedText values in the ConstructionSet.ini (same location as Oblivion.ini).

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Using GetCurrentTime can be unreliable, if you pass into a new game day whilst the script is in effect. Personally I'd do the whole thing this way:

if TimeStart || GetCellChanged	

if ( ( player.GetInCell YourMinesDUmmyCell ) == 0 )
set TimeStart to 0
elseif TimeStart == 0
set TimeStart to ( ( GameDaysPassed * 24 ) + GameHour + 1 )
if ( ( GameDaysPassed * 24 ) + GameHour ) > TimeStart )
	let Dirty += 1
	if Dirty == 3
		player.addspell DisDirt1
                messageBox "You're getting dirtier. You should leave the mine."
	elseif Dirty == 6
		player.removespell DisDirt1
		player.addspell DisDirt2
		messageBox "You're really dirty now, people don't like you that much. You should go out and clean yourself"
	elseif Dirty == 9
		player.removespell DisDirt2
          		player.addspell DisDirty
            		messageBox "You spent too much time in the dirty mine. Now you got a sickness which can be only cured by a medicine, bought at the general store."

The 'Return' lines are put in for effieciency, but might need to be taken out if you were using the same script to moniter other things as well.

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