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Game Breaking Graphics Bug...


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... after updating my SOUND driver. What the actual hell.


Ok here we go:




I have NO idea what's caused this to randomly start happening for no apparent reason.




Edit: Fixed. The bug was caused by the texture optimisation project, but I don't think the mod itself was to blame. My PC suffered a serious crash previously, I believe that the crash somehow corrupted the textures and caused this bug.


To fix, disable the mod / re-install it clean


Edit 2: Re-installed the TexOp mod from a backup and the same error keeps happening whenever I turn it on in MO2 (Mod Organizer 2). Strange that it never used to happen... guess I'll just have to stay away from TexOp project for now!


Edit 3: Hopefully the final edit, did some further experimentation loading earlier saves and it turns out that even with TexOp loaded, I can avoid this graphical error by loading an earlier save (erasing saves past that point and continuing to play). So now I'm thinking it's the save file that got corrupted, not TexOp at all...

Edited by Darkanvas
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