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Question about switching animations


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At this moment the bow and staff animations (Spell Singer and Silver Ranger) seem to be working. However most of the blade animations from DMC still aren't working, which is very very odd. They're all dragged into the same folder (specialanims) and edited the same way in CS. Most of the blade animations are still showing the vanilla ones (idle, attack, power attack, skilled power attack, etc). I even tried to set my character's blade level to 140 to see if the custom animations will activate, but they didn't. I have no other animation mods running and the newly created .esp is at the bottom of the load order.
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Sorry, Heartcloud, my PC went down just yesterday. So I cannot help whith trying.


I know that skilled attacks won't work, because there is no way for the system to distinguish between skilled and non-skilled.


For the others I have to confess that like Striker I never did use waepon animations in SpecialAnims. I had a similar discussion here a few months ago. And at that time I told someone that I know that things like walk/run work, but I didn't know it weapon animation do work (because the the type of weapon is NOT apparent within the file, and file names can be changed).


But that guy came back saying that "all" worked, so I assumed it was possible, and the system would still check at least part of the file name. Maybe thats not true.


Sorry if I lead you in the wrong direction then.

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Thanks fore.

I think weapon animations will work from editing in CS, because one of the versions of DMC is "DMC Stylish 2_1 Specialanims", which according to the author, "uses an .esp to enable DMC idle and DMC "regular" attack animations only for the player. NPCs will not use them; however, they *will* use DMC power attack animations. Also, be warned: The DMC attack animations will only randomly work; that is, you will sometimes see the DMC attack animations, and sometimes vanilla attacks". That is exactly what I want, however minus the part where it says it will still show vanilla attacks sometimes. Not sure why the author made it this way, but I hope it's possible for vanilla attacks to never show through .esp.

Oh and I was wondering what's the difference between anims like "TwoHandAttackPower", and "TwoHandSkill1AttackPower"? What is "skill1" referring to and when will the skill1 anim activate?

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I looked into DMC, and he has done exactly what I have proposed: activate all DMC animations in the player's NPC animation tab. So he simply ran into the same problem: combat animations dont work (reliably) in SpecialAnims. He has nothing done on purpose for it to work "sometimes".


The only difference between you and Beni: he says it randomly worked, you say it doesn't work at all. For onehand/twohand. But you say it works for bow/cast. Strange. The only idea I have left is that it might have something to do with file time stamp. Something like the archiveinvalidation problem. So maybe you could alter the the time stamp to a newer date and try if this work.


If not: bad luck :(. Then the only chance left is use MAO (or do something similar yourself: define a new skeleton & animation folder for the player only).


About the skill animations: you get them when you have reache a certain level. Skill 1 at 25, skill 2 at 50, ... These attacks are more powerful than regular power attacks and can do something like knock down the opponent. See Oblivion:Blade for example.

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If not: bad luck :(. Then the only chance left is use MAO (or do something similar yourself: define a new skeleton & animation folder for the player only).

Hmm how can I define a new skeleton/animation folder for player only? That would be great... avoiding all the mess with CS. MAO is great but I just don't want to install it, as I've had my share of reinstalling Oblivion from overhaul mods now. >_<

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Hmm how can I define a new skeleton/animation folder for player only? That would be great... avoiding all the mess with CS. MAO is great but I just don't want to install it, as I've had my share of reinstalling Oblivion from overhaul mods now. >_<


EVERY character defines his skeleton path in the CS NPC window. So you can change that to a new folder. That's what MAO does.


In this folder you have at least the skeleton.nif and ALL .kf files, not only the ones you want to change. I don't know about the meshes or other files, but I don't think so (again: I didn't do it myself, just have seen what others did).


Sorry for not being able to help more until my private PC is working again.

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Hmm how can I define a new skeleton/animation folder for player only? That would be great... avoiding all the mess with CS. MAO is great but I just don't want to install it, as I've had my share of reinstalling Oblivion from overhaul mods now. >_<


EVERY character defines his skeleton path in the CS NPC window. So you can change that to a new folder. That's what MAO does.


In this folder you have at least the skeleton.nif and ALL .kf files, not only the ones you want to change. I don't know about the meshes or other files, but I don't think so (again: I didn't do it myself, just have seen what others did).


Sorry for not being able to help more until my private PC is working again.

Hmm can you give me some details on how to change the folder directory for player only? If I'm understanding you correctly, you mean that I simply create a new folder anywhere and name it let's say "PCanimations", then in CS I redirect the animations of "player" object in NPC list to that folder, instead of mesh\character\_male? I didn't find any way to change the file directory though. This is the animation windows:





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Ooh, so if I change the directory to skeleton.nif, it will recognize that as the directory with all player animations? :biggrin:

I thought there was a button to change the directory for the animations themselves haha.

Hmm gonna change that now and report back.

Edited by Heartcloud
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