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Question about switching animations


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Hmm here's what I did:

- Create new folder "PCanims"

- Drag all wanted PC anims (walks, combat, etc) including the 2 skeleton files into it

- Open CS, made a copy of Pretty Woman mod's esp (specialanims.esp), edited that so the directory points to PCanims folder

- Deactivated "specialanims.esp" and activated "specialanims-copy.esp", put that on the bottom of the load order list

But now player character will show all vanilla animations in-game.

The odd thing is I used animation preview in CS, and it shows the animations I want for player character when I preview it in the animation tab. However now all the animations have a red checkmark next to them, since they are all considered "vanilla" anims now that the vanilla anim folder changed.

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I'm surprised that something works at all. As I wrote in one earlier post, you have to put ALL .kf files into your new directory (including the ones from the IdleAnims folder). A total of about 500 files.


Because when you change the skeleton path, where should the system know where to get it from? So you need to extract all those 500+ files from bsa, or copy these files from MAO. Cause MAO has done the same thing. And if it works for MAOs NPCs, why shouldn't it work for your player?


The reaction of CS is as expected. Because this is the new player "standard" now, these files are considered "standard" too.

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Oooh I see. So basically the new "PCanims" folder should look exactly like the _male folder right? Containing a bunch of animations, as well as the "specialanims" and "idleanims" folder each with their animations inside? I added the specialanims and idleanims folder with all their contents inside to PCanims (so now PC anims has a total of around 570 animations, with the same file directory as _male), and the walks now work, but everything else still does not work, like you mentioned a few posts ago.


Edit: I just tried MAO, and good thing it's undoable, because it doesn't work lol. Unfortunately it doesn't come with any instructions on how to use it either. All animations are still vanilla, even though the .esp links skeleton.nif to the modified folder included in MAO, "Mayus Projects[M]\animation overhaul\vanilla", which is where I dragged all the custom animations into. Trying to change the file directory of skeleton.nif of MAO.esp will crash CS... -____-'';

Edited by Heartcloud
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