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Any way to change an NPC's Package with scripting?

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So I'm working on a mod and I want to be able to change an NPC's package using a script or papyrus fragment that is run at the end of a scene and I can't seem to find a way of doing it.

Any help would be appreciated


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There are two ways you could do this:


1. Give the NPC your package at first index and give that package a condition (like a global variable you set with a script)

2. Use an quest alias for your NPC to add an alias package, that will run on the actor you fill into the alias ( alias.forceRefTo(...) )

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2. Use an quest alias for your NPC to add an alias package, that will run on the actor you fill into the alias ( alias.forceRefTo(...) )


I'm having problems to get this method working. I know the procedure and used this a lot in Skyrim without problems. However it is not working for me in F4: NPC's won't execute the new packages and additionally added papyrus debug notifications inside Begin/End/Change of the package aren't firing either.


Alias spells are added to the npc reference so the alias has been filled correctly... but packs aren't working (evaluatepackage).


Any idea?

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