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Suck-It Launcher


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Since I lack the know-how, I would really appreciate it if someone were able to modify the Rock-It Launcher in the following way:


-No more loading menu when you hit the reload key

-Aiming (RMB) with the Rock-it Launcher while not in sneak mode activates the vacuum suction, creating a gravitational singularity where the weapon launches its projectile. I prefer that the gravity effect only attracts MISC items in the vicinity in the players first person field of view cone, and they accelerate as they get closer. Items reaching the singularity automatically enter the rock-it launcher's ammo pool / the player's inventory (unless it would be stealing).

-Firing the Rock-it launcher briefly deactivates the junk suction for a second or two


I guess first I would have to ask if it is even possible to script something like this and would it require Fallout Script Extender?

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;progress so far

scn SuckItLauncherSCRIPT


;runs except when escaped to menu

BEGIN GameMode

;checks player for Rock-it Launcher being equipped

if Player.getEquipped WeapRockItLauncher == 1

;checks player for weapon being unholstered

if Player.IsWeaponOut == 1

;checks that player is NOT sneaking

if Player.IsSneaking != 1

;checks that player is aim/look zoomed (according to wiki this doesn't work during combat, which works for me)

if IsPlayerActionActive 8 == 1

;this is where i'm stuck, i figure i need to do a small force push on any item that matches rockit launcher ammo type within the same cell of the player, and auto loot any item within melee range of the player into player inventory and rockit launcher ammo list







I'm looking either for some advice, or for someone to finish it / take over.

Edited by gtg797h
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Other than an explosion that somehow applies a negative force to objects without damaging them, I don't see a way to make them come near, and even then I don't think there is a way to make them jump into your inventory without knowing what they are before hand.


Possibly by applying a script to the ammo type stuff that checks if it's close to the player... but you're still not going to be able to control what kind of stuff comes near if you use the negative mass explosion (if that even works)

Edited by Jeoshua
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