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Elevators... HOW THE %$^# DO THEY WORK!?


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Bit late, but if you want to quit without saving, first quit to menu, then quit to desktop.

Actually if you want to exit without saving all you have to do is open your pipboy first. for some strange reason this disables the save function.

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Bit late, but if you want to quit without saving, first quit to menu, then quit to desktop.

Actually if you want to exit without saving all you have to do is open your pipboy first. for some strange reason this disables the save function.



Bit late, but if you want to quit without saving, first quit to menu, then quit to desktop.

or do what i do...


Open console and type QQQ and enter


Alt+F4. Or use the applet I use, Super F4, which doesn't ASK a program to close itself like Alt+F4 does, but rather instantly kills the topmost process.


It's an excellent little program and I've been using it for years:


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I just came across this thread and it might be too late, but I have a video tutorial on using elevators as teleport doors that might be helpful. Not sure it's relevant to all elevator use scenarios, but it might help anyone who's still stuck on them:



I did this tutorial not long after starting to use the CK, so there might be a better way than the method I use. For example, I didn't know there were elevator packins and I did everything from scratch by reverse engineering the elevator at Recon Bunker Theta. And I just copied the start and end floor values from the Recon Bunker Theta not realizing you can change them for a shorter elevator ride. In the video I set up the elevator to link and exterior cell (Goodneighbor) with an interior cell. But the info might be relevant to using an elevator in only a single cell.


Anyway, just thought I'd post the tutorial link in the hopes it might be helpful to someone.

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I figured out what went wrong. it had to do with the game save. Even though I was using a save that had never been touched by the mod... something else had gotten baked into it.


I fixed it by fast traveling to Sanctuary, saving and exiting, Loading the new save, fast traveling to a nearby location, and walking into the cell. That fixed the bug.


So in the future... All you have to do to add a lift to an exterior location is use the PowerLiftMiniCartPackin, place it where you want it, adjust the height of the lower platform, and change the bottom floor in the script of the master to the number that corresponds to where the platform was moved to.


I was making it harder on myself by not just doing a coc from the main game menu for testing... Although it did allow me to figure out how to fix my save, so my mod would work in my current game.


Edit: Thanks for the help.

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  • 9 months later...

Bumping this thread, i think it is still relevant since i could not find a tutorial or any info that worked for me. I have been struggling to get a elevator to work in a an exterior cell for a Settlement for a while now. I used this tutorial at first but could not get it to work:


But together with the info in this topic i managed to finally get one working. I'll post what i did here since this topic came up first when searching for a solution. It's only for a top and bottom stop, i do not know how to set it up if you want it to stop on more levels, but i guess this will be a good starting point for that as well.


At this point there is one thing i have not figured out yet and that is to set the elevator speed, i have not gone into the Elevatormasterscript to set it since i am still learning to do's and donts for scripting. Standard speed is 4 seconds for top to bottom so keep that in mind when you set the height. 4 seconds for 2 floors is ok imho but for instance 12 floors in 4 seconds might be a bit to much :-)


Exterior Cell Elevator bottom and top stop setup:
Used Objects:
powerliftbutton01Elevator (Duplicate 3x create new Form (renamed: "Button inside lift" "Button top floor" "Button lower floor" for ease of reference)
Object 1: ElevatorMaster
Select Tab "Linked Ref"
Right click "New"
1. platformhelperFree01 / Keyword empty
2. Inside elevator button / Keyword: LinkCustom01
3. Top floor Button / Keyword: LinkCustom02
4. Lower floor button / Keyword: linkCustom03
When done the Linked ref tab should look like this:
1. Keyword Empty = platformhelperfree01
2. Keyword 1 = LinkCustom01 > Button inside lift
3. Keyword 2 = LinkCustom02 > Button top floor
4. Keyword 3 = LinkCustom03 > Button lower floor
Object 2: Elevator Car:
1. Linked Ref:
(power for the elevator car)
Select Tab "Linked Ref"
Right click "New"
WorkshopREF (WorkshopBench for the settlement you are placing the elevator in: Id= "NAMEOFSETTLEMENT"WorkshopRef) / Keyword: WorkshopGeneratedPower
When done the Linked ref tab should look like this:
Keyword = WorkshopGeneratedPower
Reference = "NAMEOFSETTLEMENT"WorkshopRef
2. Attach ref:
Select Tab "AttachRef"
Attach the Elevator car to the platformhelperFree01 by using "Select Reference in Render Window"
When done the Attach ref tab should look like this:
Cell: (the cell you placed the platformhelperFree01 in)
Reference: Platformhelperfree01
Object 3: Button inside Elevator car
1. Linked Ref:
Select Tab "Linked Ref"
Right click "New"
Attach the Inside elevator button to the platformhelperFree01 by using "Select Reference in Render Window"
When done the Linked ref tab should look like this:
Keyword = Empty
Reference = platformhelperfree01
2. AttachRef:
Select Tab "AttachRef"
Attach the Inside elevator button to the platformhelperfree01 by using "Select Reference in Render Window"
When done the Attach ref tab should look like this:
Cell: (the cell you placed the platformhelperfree01 in)
Reference: Platformhelperfree01
Select the "Linked from" tab it should look like this:
Keyword = LinkCustom01
Reference = Elevator Master
Object 4: Button Top Floor
Select the "Linked from" tab it should look like this:
Keyword = LinkCustom02
Reference = Elevator Master
Object 5: Button Lower Floor
Select the "Linked from" tab it should look like this:
Keyword = LinkCustom03
Reference = Elevator Master
Object 6: platformhelperfree01
You do not need to link the platformhelperFree01 to anything it is only referenced by other objects. When all of the above is done the
"linked from" tab should look like this:
1. Keyword = Empty
Reference = ElevatorMaster
2. Keyword = Empty
Reference = Button inside lift
Hope this helps someone else
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Yeah, setting up an elevator was the most stupidly complex and overdesigned thing I've ever had to rig up for level design in any Bethesda game, I swear. There are just so many intricate steps and pieces that need to be bound to other pieces in a precise way and order. n.nU
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I'm surprised no one's mentioned the U.S.S Constitution. There's a simple "elevator" there which just lifts and descends the row boat at the back of the ship, so you can get up to Ironsides without having to enter the ship at all. As you approach, the boat is automatically lowered. When you step on the boat it automatically lifts you to the top. Vice versa if you're already on the top deck and want to get to the bottom--step on the boat at the top and it lowers you to the ground.

I know that's not the type of elevator people usually want for their base builds, but perhaps it could be pulled up in the CK and adapted for use in other ways? Then again, it sounds like Gilibran has a pretty thoroughly detailed explanation of how to get one up and running, two posts above mine in this thread. Maybe someone could edit that into the OP so it's easier for folks to find when searching?

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