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"Water00.tga" can't be converted


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Recently I've been trying to regenerate my land distance, and everything seem okay 'til the very end when I'm prompted about the "water00.tga" not being able to be converted. I reinstalled MGE XE and even updated it from the skunk works, but the issue persists. I've never gotten this error before, nor could I find an answer online. I tried looking for that file in my setup and there's nothing, save a file called "water_nrm" - my older setups in my backup drive have water files which I moved over to see what would happen, but still got the error. I've checked in-game, the water seems fine to me, but I like to route out any problems before they come to bite me later on.

Anyone have/seen/heard of this issue before?

Edited by Corsair83
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