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I've been browsing forever and....


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... wondering where the REAL Sephinroth swords are. All I've run into are the two handed sort, and what I really want is a rediculously long, one-handed, well-made katana (or similar sword) for Oblivion. If it's around, I'm having trouble finding it. If anyone knows of one (A good one mind you) or has made one, please drop me a line. I'm looking forward to your answer. Thanks.
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... wondering where the REAL Sephinroth swords are. All I've run into are the two handed sort, and what I really want is a rediculously long, one-handed, well-made katana (or similar sword) for Oblivion. If it's around, I'm having trouble finding it. If anyone knows of one (A good one mind you) or has made one, please drop me a line. I'm looking forward to your answer. Thanks.


Well thats very easy, basically your asking for a katana in Oblivion to be extended? If so maybe I'd do it, its very simple.



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well.... I can barely use the construction set. quite frankly, the only mods I can make personally are the easy ones. I have no Idea how I'd even go about enlongating a katana. And besaides that, I like all the meshes I've seen around, but I have no Idea how to make one. at the very least, could you direct me to a site that explains making textures, meshes, and the like? I know it's kinda lame, but I'd appreciate it.
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well.... I can barely use the construction set. quite frankly, the only mods I can make personally are the easy ones. I have no Idea how I'd even go about enlongating a katana. And besaides that, I like all the meshes I've seen around, but I have no Idea how to make one. at the very least, could you direct me to a site that explains making textures, meshes, and the like? I know it's kinda lame, but I'd appreciate it.

Ahhhh, you never heard of a site? Oh sweet pancakes. What ever you want, and I mean everything, is explained on this site. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Main_Page And if you like (whenever I get my comp fixed after a very dirty thunderstorm which fried my motherboard..... fack) I could make a katana larger for you, its as easy as pressing a button and moving a mouse since I use a 3d editor program like Blender to create or edit meshes. ;) Also I could easily square off the edge of the tip of the sword to make it look more like sephiroths, also changing the textures if you would want to.

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