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Quest making Failing


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I been trying to make a quest were you join a small group called Hawk to help them kill all the deathclaws in the quarry junction so they can get the heavy machinery up and running.

So I got the dialog working, but when I want it to fade out, then teleport the player too the area I want with the npcs it won't work.

This is what I had in the Result Script.


ApplyImageSpaceModifier FadeToBlackAndBackISFX

setstage 0CleanUp 20


tobyREF.MoveTo tobybattleMarker

todREF.MoveTo TodbattleMarker

player.MoveTo playerbattleMarker



Also I want it to make a massage display telling the player were to go when they first start the mod, and start the quest, like the dlc messages when first started.

a other thing at wrong a npc/supermutan wont use the weapon in its inventory.

There is more I want to know how to get done but I need this stuff done first.

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Don't use a number to start the names of quests or other variables; it may work in some cases but usually you will get syntax errors. Instead of 0CleanUp, use something like abcCleanUp, where "abc" is some string which is easy for you to remember, but not the same as everybody else's.


When you say it does not work, what exactly happens? Can you tell if the result script is being executed at all?


Supermutants only use the weapons which are in their "legal weapons" list. So if you add a unique weapon, you need to add the weapon to this list.

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ApplyImageSpaceModifier FadeToBlackAndBackISFX

setstage pfsCleanUp 20


tobyREF.MoveTo tobybattleMarker

todREF.MoveTo TodbattleMarker

player.MoveTo playerbattleMarker


Still doesn't work, what was met to happen was the screen fades out and then teleports the player with the npc's to the ref marker's then fades back in, starting the next stage of the quest.

The script was done thought the result script in the dialog area. I dont know if I missing something or I doing the scripting the wrong way.


Got the weapon problem fix, thanks.

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I'm guessing, but it might be because you're trying to apply those in a dialog script. I've found certain functions will cause an entire compiled script to silently fail in game, though maybe that was just massive failure on my part. :unsure:


What I'd do is have the ApplyImageSpaceModifier and MoveTo's in either the quest script or in a quest stage script. If that doesn't work, though, I apologize... I haven't been working with quests until recently.

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Putting it all in a quest stage and then doing setStage on it is probably a better idea. Also, if you've got NVSE, then the printc command is a great tool for debugging.


printc takes a text string and outputs a line to the console. It can also take arguments such as variables so you can see the values of your variables without having to ask for the directly each time you want to see them.


Here's the link to the FOSE doc page on commands. Also, so long as you comment out all the printc lines in the end, and recompile the scripts that used it, your mod should not have a NVSE dependency.

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Thank you all for your help and tips. I got it to work now. But there are one your two things I still trying to found out with the quest.

Something simple. With the dialogue I want to make it when you talk to a npc they will say different things on different stages of a quest.

And the thing is making so when all the death claws in the quarry are dead it changes the stage of the quest.

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Something simple. With the dialogue I want to make it when you talk to a npc they will say different things on different stages of a quest.

This is easy. Just have GetStage conditionals on dialog choices so that they're only active for certain parts of the quest.


And the thing is making so when all the death claws in the quarry are dead it changes the stage of the quest.

I think the way I've seen this done by the game devs was to basically know how many NPCs/creatures the player has to kill. Then, add an OnDeath script to the creature that increments the quest variable every time one is killed. Have the quest script checking to see when the variable is high enough, and have it SetStage on the quest when that happens.

Edited by NorthWolf
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I got two scripts and I need to have them in the one lot. I trying looking at other scripts but I don't know how to fix this. I know the quarry battle script works but I cant get the message script to work with the first one.


scn PFSCleanUpQuestScript


short QuarryBattle

short pfsceanupMSG


begin GameMode


if QuarryBattle

if CrRadQJDeathClaw01REF.GetDead && CrRadQJDeathClaw02REF.GetDead && CrRadQJDeathClaw03REF.GetDead && CrRadQJDeathClaw04REF.GetDead && CrRadQJDeathClaw05REF.GetDead && CrRadQJDeathClaw06REF.GetDead && CrRadQJDeathClaw07REF.GetDead && CrRadQJDeathClaw08REF.GetDead && CrRadQJDeathClaw09REF.GetDead && CrRadQJDeathClaw10REF.GetDead && CrRadQJDeathClaw11REF.GetDead && QJDeathclawAlphaMaleRef.GetDead && QJDeathclawMotherRef.GetDead

SetStage pfsCleanUp 40




If Getstage pfsceanupMSG < 1

if pfscleanup.MessageDisplayed == 0

showmessage pfsStartMSG

setstage pfscleanup 1

set pfscleanup.MessageDisplayed to 1




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