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Survival Mode Improvement Idea: Navigation


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So I've been playing Survival mode a bit since it came out, and I've also seen a bunch of mods that re-enable fast travel either completely, or in some limited form. I just had an idea come to me that, if possible, would provide a way to find your way around quickly without the use of fast travel.


Currently, when you click on the map to place a custom waypoint when you already have one, the game asks if you want to move your current waypoint, remove your current waypoint, or cancel. What I envision is an additional option to add another custom waypoint. When you select this option, the icon for your previous waypoint changes from a hollow square to a number "1" or a letter "A" or something along those lines, and the new waypoint has a "2" or a "B" or whatever. Obviously, there'd need to be a holotape to manage your markers (deleting, reordering, etc.), and there'd need to be some reasonable limit to how many map markers you could have (5-10 would probably be enough for most people). This way, you could set markers to delineate the route you plan to take from place to place and then just follow the markers.


If anyone out there decides to take on this project, I don't require any credit for the idea. All I ask is that if you do decide to make this mod, PLEASE consider posting it on Bethesda.net for Xbox One so that I can use it. :smile:

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