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problem with broken steel


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Alright i finished the main story line, but after the cutscene i just get thrown into the credits instead of waking up in the citadel. I don't understand why it's not loading properly because when i got out of vault 101 i got the pop up saying the level cap was raised to 30. It has also worked for my previous save. I downloaded the unofficial patch, still doesn't work. I've changed the load order of it to be 1, still no luck, i reverted to a save outside the purifier no luck, sent sarah in there no luck. I'm out of ideas what do i do? Not a custom race either, just vanilla race.


Load order








Mart's Mutant Mod.esm


Apocalypse Armory.esm



Project Gensis.esm

Mothership Zeta crew.esm

Unofficial fallout 3 patch OpAnch

Unofficial fallout 3 patch The Pitt

Unofficial fallout 3 patch BrokenSteel

Unofficial fallout 3 patch pointlookout

Unofficial fallout 3 patch mothership zeta

FOW - The Last Child of Gallifrey v2.esm

Nos' RR companions.esm





ghostarmor hgec- conversion esp

Edited by Sxano
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Sxano - Hello!


Where is your BrokenSteel.esm?


I can't see it in that load order you've posted, have you got it ticked?


Also, nothing to do with your Broken Steel problems, what version of Apocalypse Armory are you running?


As only old versions used just an .esm, the latest Apocalypse Armory 1.93 uses an Apocalypse Armory.esm AND an Apocalypse Armory.esp.


If you are using Apocalypse Armory 1.93 without the Apocalypse Armory.esp few if any weapons will show up in the wasteland as the .esp is what places them into the hands of the various factions.


For detailed Apocalypse Armory installation instructions look here:




Is that your complete load order?


Because I also notice that MMM does not have any of it's .esp files.


Hope this helps!



Edited by prensa
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