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[CK HELP] Actors and Vertibirds


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Straight to the point: I have no idea how actors/NPCs work with Vertibirds. Can anybody give me a simple rundown on the technical steps to get an actor/NPC to ride and disembark from a Vertibird?

Vertibirds seems to be a "creature" now of their own. The Pilot seems to just be their for aesthetic purposes, and my guess is that the pilot and passengers somehow attach themselves to the Vertibird like an NPC would to any piece of Furniture, but that's just my intuition about it. Really I have no idea how the Vertbirds actually work now (they were simple Activators in the GECK in FNV and Fo3) so I really need some help here.

I still struggle with Papyrus quite a bit so please be mindful of that in your responses.

Any assistance would be much appreciated, please and thank you.

Edited by MadGodSheogorath
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Think on them like they're horses but with more than 1 attach point so... yea at the end it's as easy as that, may be some apropiate nodes in the vertibird skeleton and maybe keywords in the npcs to attach to them

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