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[NV Modding] Shovel script ?


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Hey , i'm making a one handed shovel for fallout new vegas, but i can't find the script that let the shovel dig graves. so i oppened the vanilla shovel file and i realised that it didn't have a script either. so the question is, what do i have to set/modify for this damn custom shovel to dig ? :v

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In these situations, it helps to right-click on the item and select Use Info. Do it on WeapShovel, and you'll see a list of all the other forms that use the shovel for something.


One of those forms is the script GraveContScript, which runs when you activate a grave. The script is coded to only accept a single type of shovel, so you'll have to add a condition for your new shovel. GetItemCount also accepts form lists, so you could also simply change it to check for a list containing both shovels.

Edited by Ladez
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