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Removing duplicate comapnion armors


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Hi, looked around, didn't find anyone else with this problem.


To keep it short, due to mods conflicts, my companions now have dozens of copies of their armors, so that they always have a full weight capacity (ex. 200/200 lbs). I've gone into FNVEdit and made their armors playable so I could get rid of this, but they are still not showing up in the companion inventory, even though I can see they are there because of the weight thing.


What should I do? Am I going about this the wrong way?


I can't tell anymore, but it could be that my companions are getting another set of armor every time I start up NV because of mods. If someone could help me fix that too, it would be great.

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Go into the geck and then find each companion in the actors list and set their hidden items to removable. You have to click the item itself I believe.. If they really do have as many duplicates as you say then this will be a pain.. Anyways once you set them to removable go into the game and take all take all the items form them drop them on the ground, and then disable each one individually. That should do it..
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Thanks for the response. Where is this "hidden items" thing though? I edit a character's info in the actor list, but then what? In the inventory tab, I see the armor and weapon and stuff, but the item count for all of them is 1, so that's not it. Could you walk me through it a bit? Where is this thing I'm looking for?
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I believe you have to right click the item, and it will tell you if its a hidden item or not.. I could be confusing items that only appear when the actor dies though.
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The hidden flag is in the base object. You'd have to go to the "Armor" object listing and find the base object for the armor, the playable flag is there. Once you update that, all instances (copies) of that armor will become playable.


You have no need to edit your companion, nor do you have to edit each instance of the armor. The change to the base object will carry over to all instances.


Companion Outfits Playable may solve your problem entirely, try putting later in your load order than those other mods.

Edited by drakeelvin
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Yeah, I've already done that... I just went back and checked and they're marked as playable. I guess it's not a huge deal, but I'd really like to know what unplayable item they could have that would give them more than max capacity. I mean if I take the armor they're already wearing, they are still at max, so there must be something else adding stuff to them. I don't know...


Edit - Found the problem! I thought about it, and realized that I had a mod that changed companion weapons, so I made the companion weapons playable, and bam! 472 recharger pistols in Veronica's inventory. Now I just have to get rid of them and make sure they don't come back... Erm, how do I do that? Since this is a companion pistol that was added from a mod, I don't think it has an item ID. What's the exact command I should use?

Edited by ViralDust
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All items have an item ID. If you know the mod thats adding that gun open it in FNVEdit and you'll easily find the gun. Every item has an item ID, in FNVEdit its the hex number that shows up in the first column on an item. But since you made the weapons playable you can just take the guns and sell or drop them.


As for making sure they wont come back, uninstall that mod.


FYI if you have an item ID and you want to remove hidden items from your companion, just face your companion and open console (~) and left-click your companion to select him/her, then just type:


removeitem <itemID> <number>

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try putting whatever esp you are using to make the companions armor playable to last in your load order, or near last. you'd be surprised that some other mods might override this. I had a companion home marker type mod that was affecting stuff like this on my vanilla companions and as soon as i moved it later in my load order, it fixed it.


edit* whoops, i misread your last post

Edited by PowderdToastMan
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