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How do i get the M-7 Lancer before the VERY END of the game?


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So, the old M-7 from ME1 is an absolute BEAST and I'd like to be able to use it somewhere other than the frickin combat arena. I know you can maybe use it in the final mission and what not, but really? I've tried to force it to unlock/equip with gibbed edit, but am doing something wrong. Can someone PLEASE help me out here. Also, if someone knows how to use ME1's built-in game mod to get non-human super-armor and weps, that'd be helpful too. Thanks a lot, and Viva la Community!

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I thought you could grab the M-7 during the main Citadel DLC mission? So if you play it as soon as possible you'd have the gun for a good chunk of the game. I admit, gibbing it in would be good but I've never tried myself.


I don't know about the ME1 stuff, sorry.

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