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I'm not sure if it's just me, but I'm really bothered by the hair in Witcher 2. Everything is gorgeous and detailed, and then the hair looks like it's from another game made 10 years ago - low poly, super shiny. And even worse, the beards on the dwarves look like they're made out of plastic. Hair should be a lot more matte in texture rather than plastic-looking.


I'm wondering whether this is something to do with the texture, or something else. I'm not exactly sure how the hair is rendered, so some help would be appreciated. But basically the goal is to make the hair look a little less fake.


This is a good example of how terrible it looks:


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At a guess I would say that a reduced poly count was used so that the game would play on lower end machines, it has physical animation after all and a higher poly count means a lot more processing power taken up on the rendering, the result might be that fewer NPC's could be displayed at any given point leading to that static almost uninhabited feel that many games in the past had.
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