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Rifle Holster


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Hello, so I was wondering if anyone would be up to throwing together a holster for a rifle, or similar gun that you carry on your back. I know it wouldn't quite fit all guns/every mod, but still I think it would be pretty neat to see it hooked to something instead of just floating in air. If someone made this they could also make different size holsters to accommodate the different sizes of different guns.


Another idea I had, was to just have some sort of strap around your back, and have a chain, strap, rope, or something that loops around the middle of the gun. It could also have different sizes too.


Thanks for your time

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Pretty good Idea. It would need some sort of script(s) so that when you equip one holster the right strap appears.

You've actually given me a pretty good idea for another mod. But i'll need this to make it.


EDIT: Ok since rifles are normally carried via a sling I'm gonig to have to come up with a believable, decent looking, lightweight design for a 'holster'. Which is harder than it sounds.

Edited by arcane20
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