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Survival: Respawn Rates


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This is just a very vague idea, but i was surprised that noone has made a mod like this yet:

A mod that brings a bit more life back into the commonwealth.

As a survival player you wander around without encountering any enemies for the majority of your time outside. While I personally enjoy the feeling of solitude, I still want to feel like im constantly in danger.


At the moment I can basically auto-run from Diamond City to the Railroad HQ without encountering anything. And that is quite boring to say the least.


Now I know that there are a couple of mods that alter npc spawns, like War of the Commonwealth. However, those add too many enemies in my opinion.


I cant say how many NPCs should be added or how quick their respawn rate should be. All I know is that the current survival spawns are not enough, while all current mods add way too much.


Is there anyone who agrees? Maybe even a modder?

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I managed to turn survival respawn times back to vanilla by just deleting the relevant lines from the 'HC_ManagerScript' script.



Deleted lines were:




Not sure if there's a way to do it in an .esp mod form.

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