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Geck render window issue


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Hey guys, I have been having this problem for quite sometime now, be it after reinstalling the game or Geck, it still persists. No matter what I try, faces and weapons become either doubled or low res and big (see below):









And yes I have tried the following with no clear results:






If someone could please help me out, I would be very grateful.

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Would you happen to be using FNV ENHANCED SHADERS (High or Lite)? Or any other version/iteration/conversion of ENBSERIES?


If so... don't.


Hide/move/rename the DLL.


In the past, I've found that it can have adverse effects upon the GECK render window.


Past that, are you on single or multiple monitors?


Not that I've seen a problem, but it may be possible that if you're on multiple monitors, GECK might 'require' the render window to be on the PRIMARY.


Just spitballin' here.


Good luck!



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Would you happen to be using FNV ENHANCED SHADERS (High or Lite)? Or any other version/iteration/conversion of ENBSERIES?


If so... don't.


Hide/move/rename the DLL.


In the past, I've found that it can have adverse effects upon the GECK render window.


Past that, are you on single or multiple monitors?


Not that I've seen a problem, but it may be possible that if you're on multiple monitors, GECK might 'require' the render window to be on the PRIMARY.


Just spitballin' here.


Good luck!




Wow, so it was the shaders all along. Bravo sir, thank you very, very much! :D

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