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Setting Location / World Map Marker Issue


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Hey folks!


I'm having an odd problem setting a map marker to a location.


1. I made an interior location, adding Hearthfire-oriented loctype keywords.

2. I made an exterior location, adding Hearthfire-oriented loctype keywords, and set it as the interior location's Parent.

3. I edited the interior cell, setting its location to my Interior location. Up to now, everything is fine.

4. I then selected my exterior cell and attempted to edit this one to set it to my custom exterior location. In its edit menu, it CLAIMS to be set to the exterior location. HOWEVER, it is not listed in the Exterior Location's Cells list in the exterior location's edit menu. Likewise, its Location in the cell view list is still DLC1FalmerValley, rather than changing. Oddly, however, it IS listed in the Use Info for my exterior Location.


I have tried setting the DLC1FalmerValley as a parent location to my exterior cell but it doesn't change anything. This means that I cannot set the map marker to a location, and therefore cannot set a horse fast travel marker.


Is this a bug? Is it perhaps a problem with working within the DLC worldspace? Or did I screw something up somewhere along the line?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have tried setting the DLC1FalmerValley as a parent location to my exterior cell but it doesn't change anything. This means that I cannot set the map marker to a location, and therefore cannot set a horse fast travel marker.


Do you have a COC marker?

Do you have a center marker?

Do you have a map marker set?


Are the above set for the appropriate location ref types?


Is this a renamed exterior cell or are you still using DLC1FalmerValley? I haven't working in any of the DLC areas so not sure if they work differently than the base game, they shouldn't but with this game who knows.


Just throwing out some ideas, as setting the location to your exterior cell should populate the cell listing for that location automatically. Try deleting it and recreating it perhaps or renaming everything and resetting it that way to see if anything changes.

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Hey, I've tried all of this and nothing seems to work. It still has the reticle hover red rather than white over markers. I tried replacing my markers, and still nothing; the cell list for my exterior location still doesn't populate, either, even though I've set that section (in its own Edit window) to be a part of that location, and even though it shows up in said Location's Use Info.

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  • 9 months later...

I'm having this exact same problem. I'm not sure what's causing it. I have my own custom worldspace open right now and I've got a map marker setup, I can discover it, but I can't use it as the world location marker ref. I'm not entirely sure what's going on. Help would be appreciated, I already know this i s a bit of an old thread but it'd be nice to have it solved.

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