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Change Username?


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I believe you can ask to close your account and make a new one. You'd have to contact the mods.


Or you can probably ask a mod to change it, but you'd need premium membership.


I'm not that sure, though, so these are just guesses. :tongue: Good luck.

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Or you can probably ask a mod to change it, but you'd need premium membership.


I think I read in an earlier ban from a post in "forum rules and strikes" that they wouldn't do namechanging anymore today, but I might be wrong... can't find it again


Anyways, the easiest solution would probably be to send a PM to a moderator and ask to get banned (that's why some bans on the forums have "banned by request" as the reason"). Then create a new account


Sorry for my grammar. I need to go to sleep...


EDIT by LHammonds: That is not what "ban by request" is about.

Edited by LHammonds
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