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"IsDLCInstalled" Function


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I just recently found out about the function "IsDLCInstalled" and I was wondering how to use it


the only time it is used in the GECK is for the script about pre-order DLCs by saying things like ' if IsDLCInstalled "Tribal Pack" == 1' or something like that


is it possible that we can make the function to check for the real DLCs like Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, etc. or even mods?


Also, I tried using "GetDLCCount" and that one wouldn't even complete when i set a script to make a variable getdlccount then show a message the message never showed.

Edited by Dandys
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I would believe "IsModLoaded NameOfDLC == 1/0" would work, since it is basically the same. The DLC's are practically mods, as in being esp/esm's
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Hmmm. eck crash when I tried to search text. The script doesn't tell us much I think you should have a look at the entire script(s) to get a better Idea of what it does first. That might give us some hints as to what it actually can do.
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