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there's a mods folfer now?


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i re-installed f04 and FH i went go open the data folder to place mods manually (like i always do) and i noticed there is now a MODS folder in the install directory too? so can we put our mods manually into this folder now and not data and have to mess with inis etc?! awesum if so


edit ----

ah s*** typo...

Edited by bladexdsl
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IIRC the mods folder only contains one file, which is a data file for tracking what Bethesda mods you have installed. If you don't install anything from the Beth database, the mods folder has no use.


As for editing ini's, the only thing you need to do is the archive invalidation and blank path setting in Fallout4Custom.ini. You can safely ignore anything else a mod tells you to do like the /STRINGS, /TEXTURES, and so on they tell you to add. There are some settings though like cell sprinting that are needed.

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A lot of mods that edit world cells, like Spring Cleaning, somehow restrict sprinting through the world cells they edit. Using the fPlayerDisableSprintingLoadingCellDistance=0 setting in the custom ini file fixes this and is an example of the occasional ini edit actually needed by an individual mod irrelevant to modding in general.
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oh yeh i had that in my ini b4.


how do i add ESm files manually like ArmorKeywords with the new DLC? do i add it to plugins.txt OR DLCList?

Edited by bladexdsl
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