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Some time back Majinshinsa and I were working on this project but it got left by the wayside. Last I heard he's now away at a job somewhere for awhile, but we did get a basic working book template.


Readable Books


We had the idea of making a library where people could write fanfics and put them in the library, but I also think this idea could be better used just within any mod to add a little atmosphere, have a book here and there to add some history.


The GECK makes it rather a big pain to do this sort of thing so we made the mod with instructions to try to make it a step by step process, if you know how to use GECK to make a simple mod and place an object.


The permissions state you can use the resource without permission as long as you credit the authors, so its available to anyone.


Maybe one day we'll get an easier to use version going, and even a library since I've learned how to make basic vendor shops now, I didn't know how to make those at the time we did this.

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