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Fallout 3 texture/shadow/light problem


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Hi all.


I've recently got a problem with the shadows on ground textures in my game.


Take a look at the below screenshots:




Sometimes when i move, the shadow "fixes" itself, or flickers to a fixed state and dark again.




During the daytime, shadows and ground textures are fine. But nighttime gives me this.


I know it's not a problem with my system, as my specs far exceed that of Fallout 3 (AMD 6870 GPU, quad extreme 3.4GHz cpu, 8gb RAM) I've also tried increasing the max number of shadows value to 24 - no luck.


Worth noting that i do run with NMC's texture packs. Reinstalling it did nothing either.


Does anyone have any experience with this bug? All help is appreciated.

Edited by Thingamajig
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Thingamajig - Hello!


Yes, it's a known bug.


Most notable when using Streetlights but it also occurs in a few vanilla locations too.


It's been mentioned on the Streetlights board a few times & is assumed to be an engine bug.


It's not happening everywhere right? Just a few places? Seems to affect rough ground, areas where the light is broken by an object & dependent on angle of viewing.


If it is as I described, I don't find it too bothersome. It only affects a few areas & the coolness of having nightime lights far outways it. :)


Hope this helps!



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Thingamajig - Hello!


Yes, it's a known bug.


Most notable when using Streetlights but it also occurs in a few vanilla locations too.


It's been mentioned on the Streetlights board a few times & is assumed to be an engine bug.


It's not happening everywhere right? Just a few places? Seems to affect rough ground, areas where the light is broken by an object & dependent on angle of viewing.


If it is as I described, I don't find it too bothersome. It only affects a few areas & the coolness of having nightime lights far outways it. :)


Hope this helps!




Thanks for the response :)


Yeah, i'm also using streetlights. I gather it's that then.


I can live with the problem though. I can't live without Streetlights :D


Yeah i do think it's isolated to certain cells, usually in the downtown area. (Eg: outside GNR, where you first encounter the giant supermutant) They're almost always "outside" cells though.

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  • 9 months later...

Wow this is creepy.


Your screenshot is on EXACTLY the same place I first noticed it, Falls Church, on exactly the same spot. I also use street lights.


This bug reminds me of the lighting engine limitations in Morrowind, where an object's light fall-off range is cutoff at a certain distance, and also no more than 16 (or so) light sources can influence an object's lighting, causing similar effects.

This is pretty disappointing though. Good thing I found this thread, I was about to re-install FO3. Strange I've never seen this before. I guess I'll learn to live with it over time.

I really don't know why viewing angle has an effect on this either.

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