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Control Mapping mod needed


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So I'm playing xcom 2 on a tablet PC. It runs well, and most controls can be handled just fine with point and click with the tablets pen when using it without a keyboard, with a couple of exceptions.


Firstly, making a unit move to a space works, but isnt ideal, as for some reason, xcom doesnt allow you to map Left Mouse Click to a button assignment in tactical controls, only right click (the touch pen doesnt have an easy right click!)


Secondly, toggling the elevation up and down (defaults to F and C on a keyboard) has no buttons in the HUD to do the same function (though all other gameplay actions and camera actions seem to), and so is completely unavailable without plugging in a mouse or keyboard.


If anyone knows of any mods that could address either or both of these issues it would be a great help.

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What are you using to play from your tablet? I use Splashtop THD and for issue 2 it allows for an onscreen scrollwheel and xcom seems to accept it as a real mouse scroll wheel.


As for issue 1 have you tried a 'long press'? That is the standard way a touch screen does right click.

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