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NPCs following me


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Hey everybody!

I'm having a problem.

In the mod we're working on (almos finished, bug-fixing process at the moment) we have new npcs. Some of them (3) always follow me around, but I have no follow script or anything on them. They just keep following me. It's really annoying. What can I do about this?

Thanks is advance,


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Try using GetCurrentAIPackage on them. It doesn't actually tell you what package they're running, but it should tell you what their AI is telling them to do at the moment. Although I guess it doesn't help much even if you know...


In the CS, navigate to the cell containing the NPCs, then right-click them and select "Use Info" in the cell view window. Make sure that nothing there is making them follow you.


You should also try turning off all the mods in your load order (except for yours).


I'm not sure what else to do if that doesn't help.

Edited by fg109
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