Jopo1980 Posted July 29, 2011 Share Posted July 29, 2011 OK. Jopo80 the OP of the original thread and my very good friend was... ...well... ...How do I put it politically correctly so I don´t get banned for insulting a member?... ...Unwise. He advocated piracy, admitted to doing so and most unnervingly he threatened suicide, although he was banned for only the piracy part as the moderator in question, Buddah said so very poetically. It seems this forum has a policy of ignoring even threats to someones life, something which most likely pleases Jopo80 all too much since dealing with cops banging down ones door is unpleasant at best and if everyone just ignores him, there will be no one to stop him when he decides to take his own life. As a friend of Jopo80 I am obviously more concerned about his suicide threat than his stance on piracy and in my opinion so should everyone else in these forums be. While threatening suicide is NOT a crime as far as I know (threatening someone else IS), it might be banned under the forum rules for being "threatening", but that´s for the moderators to decide, but at least so far they have made no comment on this issue.In the meantime I can assure you that measures against Jopo80´s worrying behavior have been taken. I have notified his parents of his suicidal tendencies and you can imagine the shock they felt when they learned that their first-born son is planning suicide. They promised to talk to him promptly, although I doubt that they can have any sort of an impact on him as he is a man who makes his own decisions regardless of others opinions, so talking and reasoning with him would be futile, I have learned that through bitter experience. As for suicide in general I cannot really condemn him for planning it. His life is miserable and he has no future so he might as well do himself in. Besides, the last thing I heard he was busy reading about Near-Death experiences and afterlife. Maybe suicide is just a big adventure for him, who knows? Besides it is his own choice as he said himself and NO ONE can deny him that, although the evil society will try to if they get wind of his plans, but then again he is not a stranger to mental hospitals and being locked up against his will. If they lock him up, he can surely put on a show and pretend he´s sane so they let him out and after that it´s bye bye cruel world. As I am pretty sure that ADVOCATING SUICIDE is NOT banned on this forum, unless they make a rule just now to that effect, I am safe. If they do make such a rule, then I can claim to be a "right-to-die activist" and be safe. As for Piracy, I condemn it as will everyone who does not wish to get banned, but that is an opinion extracted by the threat of banning, how much value it has is open to debate.As for my merits against piracy, I can proudly say that I own original copies of all the games I currently play, including Fallout 3 and NV which are the ones this forum cares about. As for me, I am a brand new lifetime Premium member and as such I have an investment to guard, about 50 euros worth to be exact, so I´m NOT about to infringe on any known forum rules as far as I am here. If for some unknown reason I happen to do so, then I will remove my infringing posts or recant my words very swiftly just so I don´t lose my money. If I do get banned I will ask for a refund of my premium membership fee and expect it to be paid forthwith. Besides, banning me would only deprive the forums of my excellent ideas and feedback which I have plenty to offer, not to mention any mods I may make in the future. If my political, religious or other ideas are not to your personal liking, then move along to some other user and stop pestering me, I leave you alone, you leave me alone and everybody´s happy. I wish to be a constructive and positive member of the community and I´m sure so would Jopo80 wish to be aswell had he been given half a chance. I think this zero-tolerance policy on piracy is depriving these forums of valuable members, judging from the amount of bans that are being issued almost on a daily basis. I propose that piracy be a 1 strike offense and ALL bans be made temporary instead of permanent, say 1 year ban for 3 strikes. Permanent bans should only be reserved for hackers who actively try to hurt the servers. A permanent ban for a few misplaced words is just too much, ESPECIALLY if you are a Premium member and have paid for your membership. As for my merits in the community, just read some of my posts, nothing offensive there I´m sure.------------------------------------------------- Now to the matter at hand: Skills and S.P.E.C.I.A.L.s Question 1: Can we make new skills? I have heard there are already mods that allow skills to reach over 100. Can we do that with SPECIALS? Are there mods that allow SPECIALS to reach over 10? Specifically, are there mods that allow these effects AND display them on screen, so the counter actually goes over 100 or 10? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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