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Is Suicide Wrong



18 members have voted

  1. 1. Is suicide Wrong?

    • Yes, DON`T DO IT !!
    • Yes, it is selfish, cowardly etc.
    • No, Everyone has a right to decide this themselves

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So, the acceptability of suicide depends on the circumstances. If there are people depending on you or something else, then it is wrong.


But is suicide evil?

If you kill yourself and that causes pain to others, then it can be seen as an evil action.


Also, they say no man is an island. That is, most people have somebody who cares about them, somebody who would miss them.


So, one of the requirements of suicide is a willingness to cause pain to others. If you are not willing to cause that pain, then you will back down from the edge and not do it.


So, suicide also reveals something about your personality. Are you a person capable of causing pain to others? I think everyone is.


As I have stated before, I view suicide as a personal right. It is your right to decide if you should continue living or die. No one can make that decision for you, but others will try to influence your decision by appealing to you or the society may use force to stop you from executing your decision, because our society values life and sees that sometimes life must be protected from the person himself. Needless to say, if you are suicidal you will disagree with the society on this issue and if you are determined to die, then there is eventually nothing that the society can do to stop you.


So, if you ignore all the advice and pleas and escape the society´s grasp, then you are free to decide on your own life.


But why must the society take measures to stop people from committing suicide? Poisons like cyanide are not sold in shops. Guns require permits and mental patients are not allowed to own them. High places have guard rails to stop people from falling or jumping. etc. etc. Our society takes all kinds of different measures to make life more safe and some of those measures are aimed precisely to stop suicides. Why? Because suicidal thoughts and actions are seen as symptomatic of diseases, mostly of the mental kind. It is seen that a suicidal person is not in full control of him/herself or is not acting normally and hence must be placed in protective custody.


So if your intent is suicide, then you must consider just about everyone in the society as your enemy, because for whatever reason, they are out to stop you, but if you truly wish it and are determined, then they will fail and you will succeed. I for one will not stand in your way, though I nor anyone else can assist you, because that would be a crime, but whatever you do, it is your right to do so.


As for me, I think the odds are that someday I probably will use that right myself, although I hope for a different outcome, but time will tell.

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But is suicide evil?

If you kill yourself and that causes pain to others, then it can be seen as an evil action.


A lot of people say it's an evil thing to do because it does bring pain to anyone related to the person who committed suicide, however, I believe it works both ways. Is it morally right for the family to expect the person contemplating suicide to endure even more pain and misery just to avoid bringing a lesser amount of pain to the family?


Suicide is normally committed by people undergoing extreme suffering and is not a decision made lightly. Generally, the suffering to the family is minor in comparison.

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Think of it this way: You have a choice, commit suicide or not. If you choose to commit suicide, and succeed, you don't get a chance to regret it. Why make a decision that can't possibly be fixed, even though circumstances, however extreme, always have hope of getting better?
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I dont think suicide is wrong, but depends on circumstances but here a few things to consider


once you get the end of the track there is no turning back it either life or death, I stoped before getting to the end


Assume something goes wrong with the suicide attempt, what happens then ? I know a personal story of what happens


My uncle attempted suicide, decide to eat the end of a pistol, missed hit an incorect part of his brain, saved by paramedics and doctors. now he couldent do it now even if he wanted, he was paralysised from the neck down, still concoius traped inside the prision he feared. luckly (as far as I am concerned) the shot got infected he died and passed from the hell he created himself.


and here's something somone said to me when i was thinking about it, ask your self it


"is there nothing you value in life?, not one flower of hope, that you can turn in to a garden ? " - this turned me back, I now hold on that hope knowing that I can achieve it

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@Iostone1993: I´m sorry for the loss of your uncle. A failed suicide attempt is a nightmare if it involves permanent disability. That is why I would aim for the heart or the aorta with a pistol, not the brain, precisely because you can still survive a hit to the head, but will be disabled for life in some way. However, if you hit the heart you will die in seconds, the same if you hit the main artery of the body, the aorta. There is a reason why they teach soldiers to aim at the "center mass" of the body. That´s because it is a bigger target than the head and because there are so much vital organs and stuff in there.


Hope is always present and that turns many suicidal people back from the edge I think, but sometimes it is not enough. Personally I am going to wait for 10 to 20 years until my parents are gone and if things have not gotten better by that time, I will presume they never will and act accordingly. There is always a spark of hope, but sometimes a spark is not enough.


After the suicide, you enter afterlife. Personally I do believe in an afterlife. I do not believe in Hell, but evidence from Near Death Experiences suggest there might be a Heaven of some sort or at least some form of existence and that´s enough. If there really is an afterlife, then all your relatives and ancestors will be waiting you there etc. etc. If life on this earth is not to your liking then why not go to the afterlife, it might be better there?


Although one NDE experiencer reported that beings of light told her that suicide is wrong because it deprives people of learning opportunities, but that´s just one report. Besides, what if there is nothing worthwhile to learn on this earth?


But every suicide happens for a reason. My reason for being on this possible track is because I lack happiness. The so called "small things in life" like a sunny day or a nice cup of coffee etc. etc. do not count as happiness, they are nice, but not happiness. Happiness comes from different things to everyone and personally I cannot think of anything to be happy about.


I used to be happy about being able to work for the society as a future teacher, but that has lost its meaning and no longer provides me any happiness. Why should I care about the education and well-being of others children if I have none of my own? Does happiness come from parenting and children or are children just disappointments waiting to happen?

Maybe there is a greater purpose to all this? Maybe I am not meant to have children? Maybe I am meant to off myself? Who knows?


Besides, to have children I would require a girlfriend and as far as I can see I am very poor boyfriend material. They say women like self-confident men. Well my self-confidence is at an all time low. :wallbash: I could go on and on about my problems, but I won´t, suffice it to say that I have enough of them.

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