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Non-manga male armor mods


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I once did a post about this but I can't seem to find it anymore but oh well. So I'm looking for certain armor mods...


...but look, I'm gonna tell it straight to you guys: I hate, hate, hate, hate, HATE, HAAAAAAAATE everything that is related to manga (Hentai, ninjas, super extreme shadow assassin chicks...MEH :down: ), especially on this site. I'm not criticizing those that like it, it's just that I believe it really, really doesn't fit into the Oblivion style and theme. I hate it in general actually.


So I was about to start a new character which would be a male and would be a battlemage (or spellsword, something like that). I was wondering if anyone could give me a couple of good armor mods that doesn't look super-manga-shadow-jujitsu style (or whatever lol) and that is actually suited for a male character. I tried looking into the first 8 or 10 pages in the Armor category but all the armors are either for female characters (Hentai...pfffffffffffffff) or have a shadow-demon-assassin look that I think isn't cool at all.


For instance, I think the Archmage Battle Armour (look it up) is really cool and believable. Now I can't find anything else because of all the Hentai mods around...


So can you guys help me? Just a nice little list would be appreciated.

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Saying you hate hate hate hate hate something that most people love love love love love isn't exactly going to get you a lot of help even if it does make you feel better, you sound like an immature 8 year old who exclaims "all girls are yucky".

You could've simply said "I don't like anime stuff, I prefer more realistic and in-lore stuff".

I did a simple search for term "armor", ordered by descending amount of endorsements, and found a whole bunch of non-anime armor. In fact who was the dolt who said "most of nexus is filled with anime stuff"?? Unless they're so insecure that any armor with spiky edges is considered "anime". The last time I checked the opposite is true. Only the well known stuff like hentai and MBP are anime-styled. O__o

Here you go, pick what "non-anime" style you like. :rolleyes:

Edited by Heartcloud
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