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Wierd Dreams and Deja Vu.

Drake Crowind

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here I have this analysis from the Dream Dictionary that interpreted the words in your story


Words like walking: Freedom. Movement. Ask yourself where do you want to go.


Words like up: Feminine projection. Improved image. How do you want to be seeing in the outside world.


Words like doll: Domestic happiness. Relationship practice. Ready to be more caring.


Words like lake: Contained emotions. Sense of tranquility or peace. Conformable with present state.


Words like bones: Structure. Evidence. Support. Poverty and death.


Words like blood: Essence. Life energy. Unfortunate love affairs. Severe disappointment.


I hope it helps. ;)


-Crowind (Time traveler)

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But that is analysing only a limited selection of the words. Often in dreams where we kill we are supposed to be killing a part of ourselves that we dislike. Perhaps a different interpretation sees Acrid sensing in himself a kind of controlling tendency that he does not like, yet in killing this (soldier, dressed-up) he realises he is actually becoming the controller. Hence the guilt. It could tie in with some of the words you pick out - the need for tranquility and freedom dependent on the death of this part of himself. This tendency to want to control perhaps interferes with his relationships or subconsciously Acrid believes it does.


(Please observe this is pure hypothesis, I have never met Acrid nor do I know anything about him.)


I'm sure I could come up with alternative suggestions but dreams will be so much dependent on personal situation (Acrid did you know the woods or the lake or even the Kasbah?). It is hard to do an independent analysis from a distance.

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I have the power!!! THE POWER!!!... Well what i mean is i have the ability to control my own dreams... If something is going on that i dont like... I just change it... Like i had this dream that the devil was chasing me through the house... trying to kill me lol... so i made him wear a cowboy hat and overalls, with a double barrel shotgun, and this was humourous to me.


I have had a few times where i dream about something... and it actually occurs...its a freak of nature!! its not right to see into the future... Or maybe its just that everything that happens in our life is very repetitive... and it actually happened before, you dremt about it, than it occurs again

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The woods where generated from my mind I guess, never been to them in real life, the lake was a harbor now that think about it, I was running from somone, maybe the police or FBI I can't remember. The enviroment was definetly unfamiliar. The soilder had a rifle, an old bolt action like pergrines. I think he might have tried to say somthing but I can't remember. There is a lot about this dream I don't remember but I used it because it was one that stayed with me for so long, and nothing seemed to cause it, like tv show or video game or book, it just happened as if sombody started a movie and I watched it happen, I didn;t think about why I was doing it untill it was over. The main thing I remember was the effect of cutting his throught, It was grusome, somthing that would be very hard for me in real life. I remember him struggling and I could sence the fear and horror. I remember thinking about if it was too late to call for help. I didn't think about taking the rifle or running or anything rational only what I had done.
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Many times in my dreams, I am always fighting with (like fist fighting and with swords sometimes) other people. No matter how hard I hit them or slash at them I always loose, or I just run away. I have actually succeeded a few times, but afterwards, like Acrid, I feel guilt and pity for hurting them, and begin weeping in my dreams for them. Though when I wake up I am not actually crying, but I feel terrible for what I did.


Another interesting note, I have dreams of my town and the surrounding areas. Mind you, they're nothing like the real town I live in, but my subconciousness' depiction of them. In some dreams I will go to different areas, and not visit the entire 'town'. However, recently, I decided to mentally make a map of this town and I came to realize that all of my dreams of different areas in this town are connected, like city blocks and such. That is, each time I have a new dream of this town I am able to pass through parts of the town that I had dreamed of before. It's like I am creating a sort of memory town (as opposed to house, if anyone has read Hannibal then they'll understand) that has landmarks and places that I am strnagley familiar with. I would like to go on, but this post is long as it is, so I will continue later.


Oh, final note, I have (or had) a really bad case of either Deja Vu, or clarvoyancey in my dreams. For about five days at random, I would dream of situations. About a week later I had my first Deja Vu of a dream. So far, I have had three Deja Vu incidents, whereas I had five so I may have two more to go, but I haven't had anything like that for three months....(And beleive me, I remember majority of my dreams, even childhood ones). But I could tell that Deja Vu was setting in, and then I could acuratly point out to myself that 'Steve is walking to the door, and now katie is going to get up but she drops her purse' and stuff like that, and I could tell what was going to happen before it happened because of those dreams. Weird.... :blink:

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Thats intresting I wonder if there really is pathways betwwen diffrent dreams. I have had reoccuring dreams but I never found conections betwwen two totaly diffrent dreams. But as far as distorted reality goes, yes I know that. I'll be walking through my old neiborhoods and then right into a version of somwhere else I used to live, so many changes. I often dream of old video games that don't exist but I whould be crazy about getting in the dream, like Zelda the fire sword for nintendo, or Halo for super nintendo, or Metroid dawn of evil for nintendo 64. And I'll buy them in a twisted version of a mall that is also my middle school and my teacher works at the shoe store and naked girls are lined up for physical exams out side the female head, and my space ship is docked in the down stairs plaza, the next thing I know I'm flying over the land and sea and aliens are in the ship where I'm hiding because the dog-girl said I was going to the blue house, I looked out side and the dinosaurs where chasing everyone but my bike had a flat tire, a zombie is coming up the stairs! my gun is loaded with AA batteries! Dog-girl is dead, wait I am dog-man! I pooped everywhere, throwing poop at zombies but they ate it, it was a burger now, they like me, I ran anyway......... and it goes on. I just recalled a bunch of scrambled memories from my dreams but that's about the way some play out.
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is there a possibility that the u dont really dream what 'is going to happen again', but infact when the time comes you experiance what you are going through (reality) but the brain does not process it until a little bit later on and replays it (this could be milliseconds afterwards) but would seem to appear that the event had 're-happened'
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