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FO3 and WIndows 7 SP1

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So I've had FO3 GOTY for some time and was running it on a PC with Windows Vista no problem. I eventually upgraded said PC to Windows 7 and was still able to run both FO3 and FONV without any issue, until Service Pack 1 patched up Windows 7 and now FO3 CTD's on me. I use FOMM to start up both games, FONV runs without issue (other than the ever-present issues it had before).


I ran across this problem before but figured my install had become corrupted, tried reinstalling the game to no avail, and finally got to the point where I formatted my HDD, reinstalled Windows 7 without SP1, reinstalled FO3 and the game was working once again. Something about Windows 7 SP1 is making FO3 unplayable. Does anyone know what that might be?



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