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Love is a biological emotion and nothing more.


There is no proof that love is anything else.

If true then why the universal search for it? You are young so I'll grant you the time to see that you are wrong, it's the only worthwhile thing in life and if and when you find your other half you will know the folly of denial.

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So what does everyone here think love is?


Some magical thing?


Everything you consider love can be explained by science, and its not something that is hidden in our souls.


Is anyone really trying to make the argument that love can't be explained by science, and its something that is deeper then that?


Why is there a universal search for food and water? I really don't see your point there.

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So what does everyone here think love is?


Some magical thing?

Everything you consider love can be explained by science, and its not something that is hidden in our souls.

Is anyone really trying to make the argument that love can't be explained by science, and its something that is deeper then that?

Why is there a universal search for food and water? I really don't see your point there.


by John Donne



BUSY old fool, unruly Sun,

Why dost thou thus,

Through windows, and through curtains, call on us ?

Must to thy motions lovers' seasons run ?

Saucy pedantic wretch, go chide

Late school-boys and sour prentices,

Go tell court-huntsmen that the king will ride,

Call country ants to harvest offices ;

Love, all alike, no season knows nor clime,

Nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time.


Thy beams so reverend, and strong

Why shouldst thou think ?

I could eclipse and cloud them with a wink,

But that I would not lose her sight so long.

If her eyes have not blinded thine,

Look, and to-morrow late tell me,

Whether both th' Indias of spice and mine

Be where thou left'st them, or lie here with me.

Ask for those kings whom thou saw'st yesterday,

And thou shalt hear, "All here in one bed lay."


She's all states, and all princes I ;

Nothing else is ;

Princes do but play us ; compared to this,

All honour's mimic, all wealth alchemy.

Thou, Sun, art half as happy as we,

In that the world's contracted thus ;

Thine age asks ease, and since thy duties be

To warm the world, that's done in warming us.

Shine here to us, and thou art everywhere ;

This bed thy center is, these walls thy sphere.

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So what does everyone here think love is?


Some magical thing?


Everything you consider love can be explained by science, and its not something that is hidden in our souls.


Is anyone really trying to make the argument that love can't be explained by science, and its something that is deeper then that?


Why is there a universal search for food and water? I really don't see your point there.



There is no science in the needs and desires of love. That's where Philosophy comes in. You can't explain things of the heart by observation. If it could you would not here the phrase, "I don't know what she sees in him", ever again.

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There are a ton of theories for love, and there is no evidence to show that love is something that can not be explained by one of those theories.


Why do you assume that love can not be explained? Why does it need to be something deeper? Simply because it is a strong emotion?


We currently know enough about to brain to conclude emotions are just chemical reactions and electrical signals. What makes love any different from hate or sadness?

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We currently know enough about to brain to conclude emotions are just chemical reactions and electrical signals. What makes love any different from hate or sadness?


Firstly...what I've seen of your posts in the Debates sub-forum leads me to believe that you are a negative person. That's all I have to say about that. Now, to answer your above question:


Hate, Sadness, Anger, Happiness...these emotions are generally circumstantial. You take away the source of the emotion, and the emotion will fade.


Love is different because it requires an emotional connection, a bonding between yourself and the object of your love. Love is a positive emotion, and it resonates within you. Don't believe me? Ask anyone who is in love. A person who is truly in love (and not just saying "gosh I love him/her/it/that") will find themselves emotionally torn when it comes to the object of their love. Remove the obect of that love and the emotion will linger - it might be deep, it might be hidden away, but it will still be there. If not, then you weren't really in love.


Love is also different for every person - no two people will experience this emotion in the same way. Neither will the same person fall in love the same way twice. Love affects us all differently depending on who we are and what the object of that love is.


For you to claim that love is nothing more than a biological emotion tells me that you haven't really been in love. Once you are (or have been) in love, your perception and understanding of it changes.

Edited by Sync182
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We currently know enough about to brain to conclude emotions are just chemical reactions and electrical signals. What makes love any different from hate or sadness?


Firstly...what I've seen of your posts in the Debates sub-forum leads me to believe that you are a negative person. That's all I have to say about that. Now, to answer your above question:


Hate, Sadness, Anger, Happiness...these emotions are generally circumstantial. You take away the source of the emotion, and the emotion will fade.


Love is different because it requires an emotional connection, a bonding between yourself and the object of your love. Love is a positive emotion, and it resonates within you. Don't believe me? Ask anyone who is in love. A person who is truly in love (and not just saying "gosh I love him/her/it/that") will find themselves emotionally torn when it comes to the object of their love. Remove the obect of that love and the emotion will linger - it might be deep, it might be hidden away, but it will still be there. If not, then you weren't really in love.


Love is also different for every person - no two people will experience this emotion in the same way. Neither will the same person fall in love the same way twice. Love affects us all differently depending on who we are and what the object of that love is.


For you to claim that love is nothing more than a biological emotion tells me that you haven't really been in love. Once you are (or have been) in love, your perception and understanding of it changes.

How is love also not circumstantial? A emotional connection to a person can happen through hate as well, its just a negative connection. Just because it is positive connection doesn't change anything. What if I really hate someone? Can I say hate comes from deep inside us and can't be explained? Can I say that if I negatively bond with someone it will be different then other emotions? Emotions as a whole have a lot to do with bonding with other people, including both negative and positive emotions.


Assuming that I have never been in love since I look at emotions from a logical standpoint is simply incorrect, and seems as more of a insult.


Once again, I see no proof that love comes from deep inside a person. It is just a emotion like every other emotion known.

Edited by marharth
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How is love also not circumstantial? A emotional connection to a person can happen through hate as well, its just a negative connection. Just because it is positive connection doesn't change anything. What if I really hate someone? Can I say hate comes from deep inside us and can't be explained? Can I say that if I negatively bond with someone it will be different then other emotions? Emotions as a whole have a lot to do with bonding with other people, including both negative and positive emotions.


Assuming that I have never been in love since I look at emotions from a logical standpoint is simply incorrect, and seems as more of a insult.


Once again, I see no proof that love comes from deep inside a person. It is just a emotion like every other emotion known.


My comment would be no more or less an insult than a good number of comments I've seen from you. *shrugs*


Here is my final comment to you: Love does not require proof.


True love exists without the demands of logic, the burden of proof, and cannot be determined by any formula from any number of scientists. Love simply is. It is intangible and defies comprehension.


Marharth, please do not reply to this post and claim lack of understanding, demand proof, or anything like that from me. I'm not intersted in explaining my position to you any further. You either cannot, or will not, understand what I'm saying.

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