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What is wring with the American Educational system


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Is it the money we spend or the way it is spent.

Is it as political as the rest of our society is, or is it favoritism that works against itself.

Is it because the dept. of education and the teachers unions, like the right says or the lack of funding, like the left says.


I sometimes believe that it is an orchestrated attempt by those in power to dumb down the populous, so they can be easily lead. Wither they are on the left or the right. The power of the government is increasing and that of the citizen is depleting.

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You might just want to ask a moderator to correct your header spelling...or is that a sly attempt at pointing out that the modern educational system produces illiterates that can only function with spell check in force? :whistling:
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is that a sly attempt at pointing out that the modern educational system produces illiterates that can only function with spell check in force? :whistling:




I tried spelling the whole thing by verbalizing but I thought it too hard to read. Have you seen the literacy rate in American schools.






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"Have you seen the literacy rate in American schools."

No I had not but I followed your links and was not surprised, must remember to thank my Mum for not having me educated here..ah .. I know..a hand written letter sent by snail mail.

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Its the way things are taught and how the system works. It has nothing to do with money.


The dept of education sucks, but its not because its there. Its the way it runs and the way it works.


One bad kind of unions are teacher unions, that is part of the problem.

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It is the multiple layers of administration, the inflicition of political correctness, educational policy in general.... and the fact that sports programs are more important than life skills programs. I am not intimately familiar with what perks and bennies teachers are getting these days, average wages still seem kinda low to me, considering the number of hours they put in every day.


Consider: Teachers make between 30 and 60 grand a year (average) to educate the future leaders of our society. Professional athletes make MILLIONS to PLAY A DAMN GAME. Makes one wonder about our priorities.

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It is the multiple layers of administration, the inflicition of political correctness, educational policy in general.... and the fact that sports programs are more important than life skills programs. I am not intimately familiar with what perks and bennies teachers are getting these days, average wages still seem kinda low to me, considering the number of hours they put in every day.


Consider: Teachers make between 30 and 60 grand a year (average) to educate the future leaders of our society. Professional athletes make MILLIONS to PLAY A DAMN GAME. Makes one wonder about our priorities.

One word: Capitalism


That is how it works.


Sports players make money due to a bunch of advertisers, teachers don't make as much money because no one makes money off of them.

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I may not know what an American school look's like but when I spent my six months of hell in one of these Canadian ones I swear half the people couldn't read stuff that was written for first graders.


Yep. And colleges/universities are being forced to add more remedial classes, as the incoming freshmen, that supposedly graduated from high school, don't have the basic skills they should.


I attribute most of the problems to the societal shift leading to "no one is responsible for their own actions", and "it is bad for their fragile egos to fail"...... Guess what, when you get out into the real world, and start going to work every day, you WILL be responsible for said work, and if you screw it up, your boss isn't going to consider what it may do to your ego when he bawls you out for screwing it up. And you might just get fired, if you screw up bad enough. School seems to be the exact opposite. No one fails, for the aforementioned reason, and also, because funding is based on student performance..... so, if you fail a student, that affects your funding. Where is the sense in that??? The government, in their desire to 'help', has just given teachers/administrators every reason to pass kids that don't deserve it, and to retain kids that severely compromise the learning environment. (bullies being right up there on the list....) The whole "no child left behind" gig seriously gimped our education system.

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Pretty easy for me to answer this one: Everything.


I have witnessed first hand the most horrifying, violent, and vicious things of my entire life in schools. At one given point, every day for five years,

I was mercilessly beaten and tortured by staff and students until I was lost to hysteric psychosis. As I result, I'm psychological ruined, have PTSD,

and hate sandwiches in the most violent of ways and become psychotic when in small empty white rooms.


I have been, on numerous occasions, at the brink of death, to the point of constant ER visits. When I had lost my skin and blood from my body,

I slowly lost every bit of sanity in me as I constantly lay on the ground crying and screaming in pain.


The reason for all this: Money. Cutting corners, refusing to keep the school to code, hiring unqualified people and paying them dirt. In my state,

some of the most vicious environments on Earth were cultivated. Children became cold, emotionless, heartless savage beasts, intent on nothing

but causing pain to everything they saw. Teachers who were vile, cruel, hateful creatures, little better than glorified slime, willing to do whatever they

could to make sure every child suffered in an indescribable, horrific, inhuman fashion. Loveless, disgusting, dark asylums of horror and torment, every

second the air full of screaming and cursing in pain, every moment some psychotic rampage. I tried to get out, but I never could. I was beaten viciously,

nearly to death, merely for telling my parents about the horrors of the school. I fought until I curled in a ball and wept in the bitter insanity that was a terrifying

moment of absolute and complete psychosis.


The school I was in was designed as an asylum for the most disturbed of children. Cheap to manage, as well. Since autistic kids were too expensive for

their tastes, they corralled them in these madhouses. Simply, all of this, it was solely for the purpose of lining the pockets of the board members.


Of everyone I ever saw come in to the two schools, no one ever came out sane. Every one came in normal. Everyone left with severe mental illness.

Most of them, schizophrenia. Even I am no different in that regard... for my time slowly took my sanity away, like sand in an hourglass.


So I repeat again: Everything of the American Education System is wrong. The children come out mindless, whether by insanity or idiocy, their minds have been

taken. And the only reason no one ever did anything? Murder isn't legal.

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