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How to remove master file from mod


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Ok,so Im trying to figure out how I can remove a master file from a plugin flle so It don't requires a master file.If anybody knows I would realy appreciate the help,Thanks.
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In GECK where you select the file in Data, to the right where it list master, select the one you don't want and press delete.
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I tried,It says ''This operation was not completed becouse CreateFileMapping failed to open file''mod name'' with error:Access denied.And when it loads it still automaticly selects master file Edited by jurasbatas
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Open it in FNVEdit, remove ALL references to the master file from your mod. You need to do this in order to delete it. This might be a bit hard to find, for example, if you have an armor in your mod with the repair list from the master file, it won't allow you to remove the master file from your mod (quite rightly so). Scour each and every entry for such links and remove them (right click --> remove). The entries from the master files would have FormIDs starting with the same number as the master file as loaded in FNVEdit (makes it easier to find).


If you can't remove a particular item, copy that item to your mod (right click --> copy as new record to...), making sure this does not create new links (item dependent on an object effect defined in the master for example). And modify all links to that particular item to point to the new item in your own mod.


Once you are sure you have cleaned all the links, right click on your mod --> Clean Masters. Save. Done.


P.S. If you want to check if its still linked, open File Header of your mod and check under MAST. The one you don't want shouldn't be there.

Edited by Glenstorm
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  On 7/30/2011 at 12:32 AM, Glenstorm said:

Open it in FNVEdit, remove ALL references to the master file from your mod. You need to do this in order to delete it. This might be a bit hard to find, for example, if you have an armor in your mod with the repair list from the master file, it won't allow you to remove the master file from your mod (quite rightly so). Scour each and every entry for such links and remove them (right click --> remove). The entries from the master files would have FormIDs starting with the same number as the master file as loaded in FNVEdit (makes it easier to find).


If you can't remove a particular item, copy that item to your mod (right click --> copy as new record to...), making sure this does not create new links (item dependent on an object effect defined in the master for example). And modify all links to that particular item to point to the new item in your own mod.


Once you are sure you have cleaned all the links, right click on your mod --> Clean Masters. Save. Done.


P.S. If you want to check if its still linked, open File Header of your mod and check under MAST. The one you don't want shouldn't be there.


Thanks for reply,but could you explain more couse I never used FNVedit before.

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Open mod in FNVEdit, you'll know how when you start FNVEdit.


There should be a dropdown on the left side, open the one related to your mod. Go through each member of that list, you can see information on it on the right side of the program. Make sure ALL of these related information has an ID starting with either 00 or xx where xx is the number right infront of your mod in the dropdown list. Remove everything which has a different number. Save.


If you have used GECK before, its the same as GECK, just in a bit more wordy form. And its a bit more powerful for editing stuff.

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  On 7/30/2011 at 10:56 AM, Glenstorm said:

Open mod in FNVEdit, you'll know how when you start FNVEdit.


There should be a dropdown on the left side, open the one related to your mod. Go through each member of that list, you can see information on it on the right side of the program. Make sure ALL of these related information has an ID starting with either 00 or xx where xx is the number right infront of your mod in the dropdown list. Remove everything which has a different number. Save.


If you have used GECK before, its the same as GECK, just in a bit more wordy form. And its a bit more powerful for editing stuff.

Thank you very much,It worked!Here,kudos,you deserve it pal.

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  On 7/29/2011 at 8:10 PM, jurasbatas said:

Ok,so Im trying to figure out how I can remove a master file from a plugin flle so It don't requires a master file.If anybody knows I would realy appreciate the help,Thanks.

I did this with 3 mods


Go to FOMM


Find a mod you want to remove the master from.


Right click.


Open in tesnip.


It will say mast click on it and press delete on your keyboard'


Also for it to work in fallout delete Data


Then click Edit


Then click masters.


Then click the ...


Then click fallout new vegas.esm


Then press okay.


Then go over to file save and over write the mod.


Open up the geck place it somewere and open up fallout new vegas and find it and play with it.




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  • 1 year later...

Hello everybody !


Okay, so this is what we call "digging". I love digging. I should reincarnate as a molerat in my next life.


Sorry, off topic. So, I encountered this topic while looking for a way to delete a masterfile that added itself by accident... Just thought it would be better no to create "one more topic" (Also prooves I searched but didn't find. Hopefully, I just didn't find and someone will yell "Well, look [link]there[/link] stupid !". I think I'll truly be happy. Ashamed, but happy).


So, back on topic again: I messed up. Really. Totally ^^


I still have the masters in the header... but now, one them is blank. Really, just blank. Here's it's name:

The GECK prefers to call it "UNKNOWN". Much better, but doesn't help.

Therefore, i get the following each I try to load my mod with FNEdit to correct it...


[00:04] Background Loader: [MonMod.esp] Adding master ""

[00:04] Background Loader: [] Loading file

[00:04] Background Loader: Fatal: <EOSError: System Error. Code: 3.

The system cannot find the path specified>



Which, sadly, isn't really surprising...

The GECK just doesn't say anything. He just stands there, useless.


So, I was wondering if someone knew how to remove a masterfile (no just it's name) when neither FNEdit nor the GECK want to let me edit the header. I thought about creating a fake blank master file, but naming it "" would be quite hard since I understood it needs to end with .esp or .esm to be recognised by FNVEdit and the GECK. Hopefully I'm wrong. At worst, it's just 30 / 40 hours spent on my first mod ever that I just blew up stupidly (No, I didn't make any backup... I know, I'm an idiot).


Anyway, thanks for reading ! (Promise, I'll also thank everyone single one of you who tries to help out. I'm just clueless ^^')


Have a nice day !

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here is what i do for this...

Open the GECK to create an "empty" plugin....

Select the Fallout NV master (by default) and any other master you may want to associate with it in the data options...

Change nothing and save it as the name you wish...

Then open the plugin you want to mod in FOMM right clic "Open in TESNIP"...

Do the same with your new empty plugin and copy (Ctrl C) and Paste (Ctrl V) the records and grups you want from one to the other.

Save it, and there you go.



Be aware that there isn't any record in the plugin that is related to a cell, or region, or world data, in fact anything that would come from another game, except texture edit, meshes.

Exemple: a record in the plugin that would refer to "Megaton" from Fallout 3, will make the plugin obsolete for fallout New vegas.

So if it's a FO3 mod dont copy/ CELL, WORLD, SCRPT datas to a New Vegas plugin.

Edited by MonsterMonkey
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