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Damage multiplier


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I'm looking for a mod that purely just multiplies the damage of melee weapons. For me and for enemies.


I've tried a lot of misc random ones. But they all change other things as well as damage. I've tried Duke Patricks combat mod. Dukes messes with stats or difficulties making me be able to kill in 2-4 hits with all multipliers off and hitting for 1.5 damage. Also effecting the exp gain with OblivionXP because of stats.


Phitts Phighting Phixes would be okay, but for some reason it isn't working. I'm running FCOM, and I turn off every other mod besides that and it still doesn't work.


Anyone know one that just changes melee damage without changing fatigues and stats and difficulty sliders and whatever else? A long time ago I had one that did this, but it affected melee and ranged weapons. Can't find it now.

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