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ReTexure Issue


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Hey guys, sorry, I had just another quick question/problem I was wondering if you could answer...


When I retexture an existing piece of armor via dds, and put it into the texture folder, it will not appear as changed in-game but will appear as changed in Geck. Here is the process I use to retex an item, could you please tell me if it's right or wrong?



Ex. - For leather armor:


Open FONV BSA Texture in FOMM -> Extract "Outfitm" -> Open in DDS Converter and convert to PNG (or whatever) -> Edit and save -> Convert back to .dds -> Import file to "Data -> Texture -> Armor -> LeatherArmor"



The weird part is, I am able to see changes to outfits such as the Assassin's suit from Dead Money, but not the standard gear. Any known solutions?


~Thanks for your time, I appreciate it greatly.

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Do you have archive invalidation turned on? otherwise mesh/texture replacers wont take unless set by a plugin.
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