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7 Days To Die

how to create a friendly NPC?


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I know the AI will still not allow: talking, tradind, follow us etc.


Just to create a simple NPC that fights against zombies, and run away from bears, and not attack us unless provoked...


For some reason, every attempt I make will "crash to the console".

It seems the UMA model cannot be used by NPCs?


here is what I was planning concerning the AI:

<property name="AITask-1" value="RunawayFromEntity" param1="EntityAnimalBear"/>
<property name="AITask-2" value="RunawayWhenHurt"/>
<property name="AITask-3" value="ApproachAndAttackTarget" param1="EntityZombie" param2="10"/>
<property name="AITask-4" value="ApproachSpot"/>
<property name="AITask-5" value="Wander"/>
<property name="AITask-6" value="Swim"/>
<property name="AITarget-1" value="SetAsTargetIfHurt"/>
<property name="AITarget-2" value="SetNearestEntityAsTarget" param1="EntityZombie"/>
Edited by ghussak
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  • 8 months later...

Not tried it with NPC's. I have zombie dogs that attack my enemies if they get too close though. They hang with me and just roam around or follow me If I am going somewhere.

could you paste your xml working code?

or even better, create a simple mod?

cool would be we have to tame them in some way, or cure them hehe, would require a dezombified texture :>

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They have a mod called starvation where you actually tame them and even has a husbandry thing going on where you can run an entire xcommunity of npc's . Can tame and raise dogs. Check it out on the 7 days forums.

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They have a mod called starvation where you actually tame them and even has a husbandry thing going on where you can run an entire xcommunity of npc's . Can tame and raise dogs. Check it out on the 7 days forums.

quite cool, thx vm!

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