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Fallout V.A.T.S. mod for Skyrim


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I would like to see the V.A.T.S. system from fallout inputted into skyrim it would be so awesome i have the idea damage chance to hit everything will depend on lets say your archery skill level or for mages your spell skill level and distance to target and so on. It would probably most likely be used by destruction mages. This sounds like an awesome idea if anyone thinks they can make it that would be great. That plus lets face it sometimes with things running around and dodging everywhere sometimes its hard to hit with an arrow or fireball.

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for the camera angle i was thinking either following the arrow/spell or any projectile fired into the target but of course first you have to get a look at your character firing the projectile then focus on the projectile flying through the air to your target and of course you have to include distance, power, armor, running or movement speed of the target. I do know there are a lot of factors to view to make the mod but we have some really smart modders out there i just hope one of them can pull this mod off i know it will be a great big hit with all Skyrim players everywhere!

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well with the VATS from fallout it either slows or stops time while you are targeting an enemy or multiple enemies and selecting the body part you wish to aim at and so forth so i believe incorporating a mod that does limb damage or perhaps realistic damage would also be beneficial to this mod so if you shoot an enemy in the leg it has a chance to cripple their leg that was hit or if hit in the arm they cant swing weapon as well depending on the arm and the weapon of course and headshots would either kill instantly or make it harder for them to hit their target which would be you and your follower or followers. But again i just have the idea thought out i cannot mod myself i have never done it before but i am good at ideas that is my forte I just hope someone will reply to this and be up for the challenge of making it or if it already exists then point me to it please.

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idk maybe it might complicate things when adding a new game mechanic like limb damage and stuff. limb damage has never been apart of skyrim i was thinking you wanted something similiar to just the targeting system. all the other stuff might require a lot of scripting but like i said before this would be badass lol.

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well it dont even have to have limb damage but i do think there are already mods out there that do realistic damage depending on where you hit the person and honestly i dont think it would be to hard to pull the VATS from fallout lets say new vegas or fallout 4 and redo it so it fits with Skyrim atleast i dont imagine it would be your really just redoing what someone else already did which is what modders do at times i think.

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