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Freeside Bank in AWoP


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Just goin' from vague memory here... iirc, you go down a stairwell right by that raider-girl who sells chems. It's kinda tricky to find, I recall that you have to move some clutter to get to it. I'm 99% sure that's right but, if not, go to the AWOP comments thread, djmystro is very helpful and pops into the thread quite a bit.
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... if not, go to the AWOP comments thread, djmystro is very helpful and pops into the thread quite a bit.


I've asked Djmystro that question on the main AWoP thread. He gave a vague answer so as not to be a spoiler. I guess the spoiler answers are best in the spoiler forum.


Did you move the clutter by blowing it up or doing a grab? Is it in the room with the safe and the dead girl that when resurrected will sell stuff?

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Just did a grab. IIRC, the clutter that you have to move is in a hallway nearby the thug-girl you mentioned (you don't have to kill her, she's non-hostile). Move the clutter to get through the hallway to access the stairs. I remember that it drove me crazy trying to find it, though it seemed almost obvious when I did.
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  • 2 years later...

bumping this thread because i found this clutter uve been talking about, but atm i can move only barrel, but sunset sarsaparilla crate standing on this barrel is still blocking the way (actually this crate remains flying in the air).

And i dont know whether it is my fallout installation bugged or it is awop bug.


Anyone can confirm?

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  • 1 year later...

so here's the full solution for how to enter the freeside bank, because it took me forever to figure this out and there's literally nowhere else on the internet that has this information.

in the freeside thug hangout: if you're facing Space's door, head left, and then right. if you go straight you'll go down a set of stairs but dont go that way. before you get to those stairs, there's a hallway leading to the left that's blocked by a couple of drums, head that way. that's the "barrier" everyone is saying to move out of the way.

here's the second part of the trickiness. when you go down the stairs of the hallway you're in, you'll pop a right into a sort of restaurant area. the entrance to the bank is on the floor in a little trap door type area in the middle of the room. it's very easy to miss, believe me.

took me f***ing forever to figure this out, hopefully it will save someone else the trouble.

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