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Thank you very much, I didn't check it yet, but I beleive it'll work :P

Kudos for you.

Also one more question. I made a short script (which has another script connected.) But I cannot compile it. It don't show any problem, but it won't compile it.

Here it is:

scn relieveyourself

ref trousers

Begin GameMode
if IsKeyPressed3 37
	set trousers to player.GetEquippedObject 3
	player.unequipitem trousers
	HoldKey 29
	MessageBox "You've relied yourself, but got a little bit more dirty."
	if aaaBladder.bladder >= 0
		set aaaBladder.bladder to 0
		set aaaCleanliness.dirtyX to aaaCleanliness.dirtyX + 1
	set aaaCleanliness.dirtyX to aaaCleanliness.dirtyX + 1
	releaseKey 29

Edited by bencebence
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Some more questions:

Can I make that, if I set a script on a furniture (a chair), I can still sit on it? It seems that now it works only as an activator, and I can't sit on it.

The StreamMusic command doesn't seems to be working. If I make a script whit Better Music System, others who download the mod will need it too? And if they'll, is there any other ways to play music?

These are all for now.

Thanks in advance,


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I've downloaded Enchanted Music and Control. I made a little script with it, but it doesn't seems to be working.

Here is the script:

scn AtmospehricMusic

Begin GameMode
if player.getincell aaaLillyhallCastleMainHall
	emcCreatePlaylist "MainHall" "Data\Music\DoBLillyhall\Throneroom.mp3"
	emcChangePlaylist 5 MainHall
if player.getincell aaaLillyhallCastleDiningHall
	emcCreatePlaylist "Dinerroom" "Data\Music\DoBLillyhall\Dinnerroom.mp3"
	emcChangePlaylist 3 Dineroom
if player.getincell aaaLillyhallCastlePrivateQuarters
	emcCreatePlaylist "Bedroom" "Data\Music\DoBLillyhall\Bedroom.mp3"
	emcChangePlaylist 3 Bedroom
if player.getincell aaaLillyhallChurch
	emcCreatePlaylist "Church" "Data\Music\DoBLillyhall\Church.mp3"
	emcChangePlaylist 3 Church
if player.getincell LillyhallCastleCourtyard
	emcCreatePlaylist "Courtyard" "Data\Music\DoBLillyhall\Courtyard.mp3"
	emcChangePlaylist 3 Courtyard


Also here is what the readme tells about the commands:

Current Command List:

NOTE: <var> = Required Parameter or Return Value

[var] = Optional Parameter

(type) = Variable Type

"bool" is just an integer of value 0 (false) or 1 (true).


NOTE: A multi-path playlist system has been introduced. Here is a brief explaination on how to create

multi-path playlists. The commands emcCreatePlaylist and emcRecreatePlaylist accept a special

multi-path syntax in their Path parameter. You can list multiple paths by seperating them by

a Pipe Character '|' or a Greater-Than Sign '>'. Why two? Because Pipe Characters aren't typable in the

console. I suggest the Pipe Character if you are creating scripts in the CS, as it looks less awkward.


An example: emcCreatePlaylist "myTest" "Data\Music\myMusic\[A]*.*|Data\Music\myMusic\*.*"

Remember, a command can only have 512 characters in it's string type parameters. If you need a

whole lot of paths in a playlist, use emcAddPathToPlaylist instead, but keep in mind this command

only accepts ONE path. emcAddPathToPlaylist does not have multi-path support. You will need to

call it once per path.



Gets the music type Oblivion wishes to play. NOTE: This command is unaffected by the Battle Override.

Usage: <(int) Extended_MusicType> emcGetDesiredMusicType



Gets the special music type Oblivion wishes to play.

Usage: <(int) SpecialMusicType> emcGetSpecialMusicType



Creates a new playlist with the specified name and path. Supports the multi-path syntax.

When creating playlists, please give them unique names to minimize chances of conflict with other mods.

Usage: <(bool) Success> emcCreatePlaylist <(string) Name> <(string) Path>



Returns a value indicating if the specified playlist exists.

Usage: <(bool) Exists> emcPlaylistExists <(string) Name>



Changes the playlist for the specified MusicType.

If Extended_MusicType is the currenlty playing type, the music will stop and then play the new music.

Extended_MusicType must be between 0 and 4 for this command to have an effect.

Use QueuedMode to swap out a playlist with a currently playing track without interupting the track.

The track will play to the end or be stopped due to a state change before the playlist is swapped.

The queue will be canceled if emcChangePlaylist is called to change the same music type without

QueuedMode enabled.

Usage: <(bool) Success> emcChangePlaylist <(int) Extended_MusicType> <(string) PlaylistName> [(bool) QueuedMode]



Restores the specified playlist to default. -1 restores all to default.

Extended_MusicType must be between -1 and 4 for this command to have an effect.

The Custom MusicType's playlist can not be reset using this command.

Calling this command with no arguments or an Extended_MusicType of -1 will result

in the restart of any music currently playing. It should only be used like that

when all (or nearly all) MusicTypes had their playlist altered.

Usage: emcRestoreDefaultPlaylist [(int) Extended_MusicType]



Indicates if the player is busy and can't immediately execute music altering commands.

This will return true when the player is performing fades and the like.

You should wait until the player has finished switching before

you issue a command that will change the playing music.

Usage: <(bool) Switching> emcIsMusicSwitching



Gets the volume relative to the game's maximum.

Usage: <(float) Volume> emcGetRelativeVolume



Sets the volume relative to the game's maximum.

Volume must be between 0.0 and 1.0 for this command to have an effect.

Usage: emcSetRelativeVolume <(float) Volume>



Debug Command, prints the specified playlist to the console.

Usage: emcPrintPlaylist <(string) PlaylistName>



Debug Command, prints all available playlist names to the console.

Usage: emcPrintAvailablePlaylists



Debug Command, prints the full path to the file the music player is currently playing.

Usage: emcPrintPlayingMusicFile



Recreates the specified playlist with a new path. Supports the multi-path syntax.

This command is nearly identical to emcCreatePlaylist, except it operates on existing playlists.

Usage: <(bool) Success> emcRecreatePlaylist <(string) Name> <(string) Path>



Adds a single, new path to an existing playlist. Does NOT support the multi-path syntax.

Usage: <(bool) Success> emcAddPathToPlaylist <(string) Name> <(string) Path>



Returns a value indicating if the specified playlist is currently assigned to a MusicType.

Use this to determine if a playlist can be modified by the above two commands. If this command

returns true, you won't be able to modify the playlist.

Usage: <(bool) Active> emcIsPlaylistActive <(string) Name>



Attempts to override the Battle music. This command will prevent the Battle MusicType

from being used int the MusicPlayer. This effectively disables Battle Music.

Returns 1 if the override was successful, or 0 if the override is allready in place.

Note: Music that is suitable for the location will still play.

Usage: <(bool) Success> emcEnableBattleOverride



Attempts to remove the Battle Override. This command will restore the Battle MusicType

and allow the Battle Music to play once more.

Returns 1 if the override was removed, or 0 if the override wasn't in place.

Usage: <(bool) Success> emcDisableBattleOverride



Returns a value indicating if the battle music override is active.

Usage: <(bool) Overridden> emcIsBattleOverridden




0 = Explore

1 = Public

2 = Dungeon

3 = Custom

4 = Battle

5 = Undefined (Unused)

8 = Special

255 = NotKnown (Value at game's start)



0 = Death

1 = Title

2 = Success

255 = NotKnown (Value at game's start)



0 = NoFade

1 = FadeIn

2 = FadeOut

3 = FadeOutThenIn

255 = Undefined (Value after player initialize)



Default Playlists:

Explore = "obExplore"

Public = "obPublic"

Dungeon = "obDungeon"

Custom = "obExplore"

Battle = "obBattle"

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