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Settler AI


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Ok, lets face it, settler AI just sucks. their pathfinding is crappy and after work hours they just stand around in one place with their thumb up their bunghole... with no TP. On top of that, I spend a good couple hours building an awesome, badass apartment complex for their quarters.... and they dont use it half the time, and theres the idiot armor vendor earlier who refuses to tend to his store......


I dont know if its because I changed everything around and never left the settlement and maybe didnt give them time to recalculate, reset the cell, or anything. did a huge makeover with Sanctuary (looks awesome) but was kinda ticked when the settlers were just doing nothing


Has anyone made a mod that enhances their AI or something a WIP? I've searched 'settler' and only find the 'Better Settler' and like renaming mods. I'm hoping someone makes a mod to improve the AI/pathfinding issues, I know I'm not the only one who would appreciate something like that if its possible

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I know what your saying. I want them to be renamed SQUATTERS . I built the place ,spent my time and stuff making it nice and the just stand around and complain about how hard it is. I wiped at a couple places and started over

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