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Recommended mods for a newbie?


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Hey guys, I've played about 150 hours however it's been mainly just messing about. I'm basically 4-5 missions into the main quest and that's it after all this time :P. I'm now playing on PC (xbox before) and find myself a little overwhelmed with the hefty amounts of mods available. Queue reading a couple spoilers while trying to find "essential mods" and here I am making this thread.


What are some recommended mods for someone just starting to really get into the game? I'm not exactly looking for weapon/armour mods or God-mode mods. I like having to build all that up. I'm also not looking for additional content either, that is more places, items, quests, races, clothing, etc. Although I will list a few exceptions in here


I'm mainly looking for:

- unofficial patches/bug fixes

- ways to make the game perform better

- mods that remove the tedious/annoying aspects of the game such as

1 - easier ways to sort through items/ingredients

2 - able to assign weapons/spells/items to as many keys as free on the keyboard

3 - able to become a vampire more than once

4 - etc


- a mod that regenerates alembic, mortals/pestles, etc. in all mages guilds when they are taken. I know there isn't a mod per say like this so anything that would in affect do the trick is welcome.

- If there is a mod that adds more voices to the game that would be cool too (if it's well done)

- I noticed my High Elf is skinny as hell and looks like a fool in heavy armour. Is there a way I can beef this guy up?



Edited by MarkC9
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Thanks a lot, just grabbed them as well as a few others from that section of the site. Didn't know that existed . :)


All I need now is the mod to assign spells/attacks to any key and the script to put in the console to change it so you can become a real vampire more than once.

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