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Pick 1 mod. What would it be?


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I wasn't putting down Integration at all. My point was, that even in comparison to a mod as excellent as Integration, the effect that Enhanced hotkeys on how you can play the game is overwhelming. It makes being a mage a valid experience. It saves so much time, finding and selecting things in your inventory; effecting realism and immersion at all levels. It, more than any other mod, makes Oblivion an RPG instead of an arcade game.


On the subject of integration: I haven't actually played the quest aspect of it. I got it all installed, and starting playing with it earlier this year, so I got to experience the excellent LAME and RBP, however I decided that I needed to make more mods, and well, here I am... When I do finally get around to playing the game again, I plan on using the Kvatch Alive, main quest delayer. So should I install and potentially play integration from the start, or does the Integration lore expect me to finish, or atleast have started, the main quest? (no Integration spoilers please!)

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I wasn't putting down Integration at all. My point was, that even in comparison to a mod as excellent as Integration, the effect that Enhanced hotkeys on how you can play the game is overwhelming. It makes being a mage a valid experience. It saves so much time, finding and selecting things in your inventory; effecting realism and immersion at all levels. It, more than any other mod, makes Oblivion an RPG instead of an arcade game.


On the subject of integration: I haven't actually played the quest aspect of it. I got it all installed, and starting playing with it earlier this year, so I got to experience the excellent LAME and RBP, however I decided that I needed to make more mods, and well, here I am... When I do finally get around to playing the game again, I plan on using the Kvatch Alive, main quest delayer. So should I install and potentially play integration from the start, or does the Integration lore expect me to finish, or atleast have started, the main quest? (no Integration spoilers please!)

I know, I was just speaking from personal experience. There are some people that just say: "Quest mods? Oh I just rush through them, get the story, beat them and then uninstall." Admittedly there are quest mods that support that strategy in one way or another( ie: forcing the quest on you, giving overpowered rewards, Characters that have no personality, being buggy, and/or making major unnecessary changes)


There's two ways to start the guild's main questline. One is to save martin from Kvatch and then talk to someone outside of the Imperial City Market. The other is to kill a Xivilai in Fanasceul(Alyeid ruin near the imperial city), and then go talk to the same person. There are a few references of you being the Hero of Kvatch. the main one I remember is an advertisement for the guild calling you the Hero of Kvatch. Other than that though there aren't many mentions of you doing main quest things that you haven't really done. The Xivilai backdoor was just put in for people that don't want to bother with the main quest.

Edited by JCP768
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Thanks for the Integration info, good to know. I guess I'll install it from the start, & if I run into that Xivilai naturally, I'll go from there. I like the idea of starting as an evil, or atleast unlawful, character; riding around as a skooma dealer, turned thief, turned assassin; through whose participation of the events of the main quest, is thrust upon a journey of redemption, and becomes Archmage, Count of Kvatch, & generally kills less people who don't deserve it. I especially like the idea of playing Damarsk early. Mainly so when I do start the main quest, my character can be all nonchelont and like "Oh this place again...".
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  • 1 year later...
I'm so impressed with Nehrim, so far I've only been in one dungeon that is a clear copy of one I've been through so far. Mind you I'm only seventy-eight hours in game and have discovered just 161 places. The places I've been to thus far are so impressive by their architectural design and diversity, I mean one ruin sits back in the side of a valley and extends up the side of the mountain. Another was only accessible through a tunnel that lies under a lake. By the way this particular lake was created by the ruin that was built to dam the river and the top of the dam looks to be over 50 feet above the shallow lake below; this is to me, one of the great Oblivion mods. Just reading the description cannot begin to give you understanding of what went into creating this fabulous work. I miss a couple things I was able to do in the original game such as multi-summons and Adrenaline which put herds of deer and lots of npcs in the wilderness. I can only imagine going into a ruin and coming face to face with 8 to 10 huge, hairy black widow queens! Needless to say I can't do justice to this fine project, but I'd recommend Nehrim as a must have overhaul (it's more than just a mod).
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Nehrim is not really a mod, it is a full conversion. And while it looks great, what i have seen so far from the story it looks very poorly written (although that can be offset if the story in general is great).


My favorite mod clearly has to be Supreme Magicka. Although i rarely play with less than 100 mods, this one is a must have always.

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Am I the only one conceited enough to pick their own mod?? l pick Castle Tharnstein lol!


But seriously, you should check out the TOQL (Top Oblivion Quests Link) by devakm,



This is a collection of well made quests. Some are long, some are short. But they offer the best story content additions. I do like some of the aforementioned mods:

Armamentarium - Adding to the leveled lists is a plus

Hotkeys - This is a great feature. As previously stated, it is a boon to mages. It also makes an assassin far more deadly

Unique Landscapes - If you want your world to come pre-packed with environmental goodness

Elsewyre - What a wonderful mod! So much time and work went into this one


But ultimately, I am going to have to stick with my vote on my own mod. As shallow as it is.

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It's really difficult to pick just one, as I'm sure I'm not the only one that's said this.


There are so many great mods out there, I find myself downloading the more obscure ones and finding some fantastic gems. However, if I had to narrow it down to one I'd have to say Midas Magic. I remember the first time xilver posted his trailer for the mod and seeing the Telekinetic spells... holy cow. And at the time I thought the Force Push in Fable: The Lost Chapters was badass!!


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