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How to make a store turret guard


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Making a new faction should work. If you make a faction, make it neutral to the player faction, add the turret to the faction and then set the weapons on display so they are "owned" by the new faction it *SHOULD* work :)


Sorry I can't help more, am really busy at the moment :)


Hope this helps,


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Almost as the above poster, but you can do it as easy as creating a new entry of a turret and make the cell it's owner :-) Anything you try to steal, will make the turret hostile. Also remember to change the aggro radius to 0 and aggressivness to non-aggressive or it will go bananas as soon as it sees anything :P
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or it will go bananas as soon as it sees anything :P


This was quote worthy...


and they both are correct.


Haha nice one :D


I'm still having problems with this one cus' the turret only starts shooting only after the player steals two guns from the table and I'd like the turret to cap the player already after the first one. Would this be even possible? It would probably have to be an infamy tweak or something like that.

Edited by flequmaster
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Ah yes, it gives away a warning on the first gun... Might try to give it slightly more "go bananas easier" on the Aggressivness and test it ;-)
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