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Metal-based spells


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New magic spells based on metal and manipulation of metal. Idea from a roleplay based on a goddess of swords and battle. Not exactly lore friendly, but do as you will. Their base would be around dealing Physical damage with spells, not magical damage.




- Arrowheads (novice) - fire a small continuous stream of small metal blades, dealing physical (not magical) damage.

- Swordsling (Apprentice) - summon a large swordblade near you and fire it at an enemy.

- Blade Rune (Adept) - place a rune on the ground that when stepped on summons a large swordblade from the ground to impale its target.

- Spear bullet (Expert) - summon a spear in midair, which fires at the enemy after a short delay. Knocks targets down.

- Forge Heart (Master) - summon a rain of swordblades from the sky to strike indiscriminately all around you, continuing for as long as you hold the spell.





-Blade Ridges (Apprentice) - summon a coating of metal onto your skin that slightly damages opponants who strike you.

- Impalement (Adept) - Summon a cloud of blades inside your opponant, draining health and drastically slowing their movement. Increases chances of them falling over.

- Sword Skin (Expert)- Summon blades to cover your body, dealing high damage to targets that strike you. Affects are stronger if wearing heavy armor




- Sword wisps Apprentice) - summon floating swords (invisible actors with Headless Horseman voice) holding visible 1 and 2 handed swords


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